Gordon Jeff


I come from the north of England (Cheshire), and after National Service as a sergeant in the Korean War, I took up an Open Scholarship to Oxford University to read English Literature, followed by some years as an administrator at Kings College Hospital, London.


After ten happy pagan years, I found myself at the then Wells Theological College and spent the whole of my subsequent ministry in the diocese of Southwark, mostly as a parish priest, and where at one time I was area dean of one of the largest boroughs in London.


I trained and worked as a marital and group counsellor, representing London on the then National Marriage Guidance Council, but found I was increasingly being sought by people to talk about their journey with and to God.


So in 1979 I founded SPIDIR, an ongoing network for encouraging the ministry of spiritual direction.   I ran courses in spiritual direction for twenty years, and I’ve been invited to do work in twenty nine of the forty three English dioceses, and in three Welsh dioceses, as well as in the USA and twice in Australia.


For my last five years before retiring over ten years ago, I think I must have been the most privileged priest in the Church of England, with a job description of simply ‘to exercise gifts and graces in the church at large’.   I just hope I fulfilled, and try to continue to fulfil, that alarming expectation.


I wrote two books on spiritual direction, one of which (‘Spiritual Direction for Every Christian’) went to four impressions and is to be re-issued in a new edition by SPCK ON 7 August this year.   I also co-edited a religious book best-seller entitled ‘Approaches to Prayer’, which subsequently also appeared in an American edition.


Alongside this I have conducted a lot of retreats, been involved in work consultancy, and been a trainer for seventeen years for the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, a widely used guide to personality type.


Colette and I were married only a few weeks after I was ordained, and we have now been happily married for nearly forty six years.   Colette was originally a nurse at the Westminster Hospital, but subsequently became head teacher of a large church primary school in London, and is now Vice Chairman of Somerset WI.   We have two grandchildren.


We are both enthusiastic gardeners, and while I was once a reasonably competent organist, I now inflict my decaying skills on St Peter’s only when no-one else can be found.