Chris Green

I was brought up in a church-going family in west London, going to the Anglican church of St. Peter's, Ealing. I remember three services a day on Sundays- including a sung evensong- with a full choir. I was confirmed there, and was a choirboy and a server, before leaving for the University of Southampton to read Biology.

My university days were marked with many debates about religion and science, and some exciting encounters with fellow-Christians from other denominations. I met a Catholic medical student called Nikki Devitt at bible study, and I can honestly say that this group changed my life - Nikki eventually became my wife.

After doing a PhD at Sheffield, I started a career in science, pursuing the tsetse fly in a number of African countries whilst working for Bristol University. Nikki and I lived in West Africa for two years with our baby daughter, learning about African culture as well as insects.

In 1984 we bought a house in Draycott, and started to worship at St. Peters, where the vicar was then John Wood. We found ourselves immediately made welcome, and have worshipped there ever since. I have been a churchwarden and am now PCC secretary.

I started a new career in Information Technology in the NHS in 1998. In 2002 I realised that I needed some further instruction in the Christian faith, and enrolled on a diocesan 'Christian Foundations' course. Our group covered a wide range of subjects, from Old Testament scholarship to New Age spirituality. Other members of the group have gone on to readership and ordination.

I helped to start a bible study group at St. Peter's and waited to see what I should do next with my new Church Colleges Certificate. The answer seemed to come when I was asked by Stanley Price to join the preaching team at Rodney Stoke and Draycott.

I have found that preaching is a most stimulating and challenging task. Being part of a team gives us the opportunity to learn from and encourage each other, and I welcome constructive criticism!


Nikki Devitt

I was baptised and raised a Catholic. I was educated at a North London convent by 'trendy nuns', as my late father called them. By this he meant, among other things, that they were versed in scripture and encouraged us to read the bible, which was quite unusual in catholic circles at the time. (The people were not really thought to have the authority to interpret scripture themselves.). The sisters inspired an interest and a zest for studying and reflecting on our faith, which still persists and for which I am deeply grateful.

I went on to study Medicine at Southampton University. The university chaplaincy was lively and encouraged debate with people of all faiths and none. It was here I first met Chris, whom I eventually married 13 years later.

Life as a junior doctor left little time for anything other than work and sleep. It was only some years later, after marrying Chris and settling in Draycott, that I rediscovered the fellowship of church life. Despite my being a 'left-footer', we were both welcomed into the worshipping community of St. Peter's.

I worked as a GP locally for 7 years when our children were very young, then I took up my current post working as a geriatrician at Weston General Hospital in 1994.  I was keen to resume studying, to illuminate my journey of faith, and was introduced to a group called the Ecumenical Teaching Order. I completed their 2-year course of bible study and theology, and continue to be sustained by their local group meetings for study and worship, and their courses at Ammerdown. In the past eighteen months I have also started to study New Testament Greek with a local tutor, a retired priest, who enlightens me as much about the scriptures as the language.

I have been privileged to study with some wonderful teachers, but always motivated by my own interest, so I was therefore rather surprised to be asked to join the benefice preaching team last year. However, as I have been inspired and encouraged by those who have taught me, so I hope to share some of the insights I have gained with others.