Epiphany 3: 20th January 2008


Preacher: Dr. Richard Dingley



Isaiah 9, 1-4

1 Corinthians 1, 10-18

Matthew 4, 12-23


Father, show us through your Word how we may grow more like your Son in character and action, the perfect model in character and action.


When I was reading through the scriptures set for today I was struck by the relevance of them to our own present situation.  I first read the Gospel – where Matthew records the call of the first apostles, Peter and Andrew, followed closely by James and John.  The political situation at the time was dangerous.  John the Baptist had just been arrested and the focus now turns onto Jesus, freshly back from confrontation his future, and his victory over Satan in the dessert.  Jesus felt the need to move away from his old home in Nazareth and to make his base in Capernaum, thus incidentally fulfilling the prophecy we also had read to us in the passage from Isaiah.  This was the place where Jesus was to reveal the light to those walking in darkness; to bring joy as a result of breaking the rod of oppression.  Here Jesus began his ministry with two important signs: he was both creating a new model of community and revealing that he possessed the power of healing over sickness and disease.  The people that walked in darkness could therefore now see that the prophesied great light was present in the person of Jesus.


But then I turned to our epistle – the beginning of Paul’s first letter to the Christians in Corinth.  Here there was already trouble developing in the church he had planted: the sort of trouble that has afflicted the church to some degree in every age since.  A problem that remains alive and well throughout the world and with which we too have to grapple.  The name of the problem?  Partisanship! The church, the body of Christ in Corinth, was being broken apart.  They were no longer united in their worship; instead they took differing sides and were replacing their previous unity with discord and strife.  The divided company were shouting I follow Paul!  I follow Apollos! I follow Peter.  Or even I am in the Messiah’s group!  As the Message so dramatically states the position “Has the Messiah been chopped up into little pieces so that we can each have a little bit for ourselves?  No we are all baptised into Christ, it was Jesus who died for us on the cross, it was Jesus who enabled God to forgive us our sins and to be grafted into his family.”  Paul was reminding them that they should be one body.  Jesus had indeed prayed that they might all be one, just as he and his father were one, without the present partisanship and without the separation of Jew and gentile.  The family of God was and still is one!


We have the same problem today with our denominationalism.  This is even more glaring as we visit churches in some developing countries.  Missionaries have not enabled local traditional worship to become a part of church life but have transported denominational bias, liturgy and divisions wherever they have planted the Christian faith.  The authorised version is the only acceptable edition of the bible in some African and Asian churches. It all gives a false image of the unifying power and love of God when we fail to see the light of the beauty of Christ in our relationships with Christians from other churches.


And then this led me on to think of our own position at the present time.  We are in a time of change, a time of uncertainty. We are going to have to make adjustments as we move into the prospect of a new, enlarged Benefice.  There will be new relationships as we look again at our enlarged Benefice, our Local Ministry Group and at our Ecumenical relationships in the Cheddar Valley.  Tomorrow the PCCs of both our parishes will be meeting to start the process of preparation for the way ahead.  The members who will represent us in the selection process for the new Incumbent will be appointed.  They will be charged with preparing the Profile of the new enlarged Benefice.  What sort of person are we looking for? What particular gifts are needed to make up the LMG team?  As they meet they will need the regular prayers of each member of our congregations because there are vital and important decisions to be made and each of the three parishes will need to be able to both give and take with those representing the other parishes.  We will need to have God’s Spirit with us and be able to show the love of God and concern for each other as the profile is put together.  It is Christ who must be pre-eminent; it is his name that must be glorified; it is his word and work that needs to be proclaimed by what we are and what we do. We must seek to submerge the Andrew’s faction, or the Peter group, or the Leonard’s followers and put Jesus firmly in the driving seat.  For surely we need and seek a pastor who will lead us into spiritual unity and growth so helping us all to truly become the body of Christ in our villages. 


This is a time of great opportunity; we need to grasp it, look upwards to God and seek to be obedient to his calling so that his name may be praised, his word proclaimed and many more of our fellow residents come to know Jesus as both Lord and Saviour.

