Minutes of the Parochial Church Council, St. Peter’s Draycott


Held on 16/11/2010 at 8:00 p.m. in St. Peter’s Church, Draycott.


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1.        Opening prayers.. 1

2.        Attendance, apologies and welcome.. 1

3.        Minutes from 08/09/10 & 21/10/10.. 1

4.        Matters arising.. 1

5.  Any other business.. 2

6.  Items for Decision.. 2

6a.  Church refurbishment. 2

6b.  Christmas services.. 2

6c.  Fair Trade.. 3

6d.  Concert (18th Dec).. 3

7.  Items for Discussion.. 3

7a.  Worship.. 3

7b.  Fabric.. 3

7c.  Finance.. 3

7d.  School. 3

7e.  SoSP... 3

7f.  LMG.... 3

7g.  Website.. 4

7h. 150th Anniversary.. 4

7i.  Deanery Synod.. 4

8.  Items of New Business.. 4

8a.  Reader placements.. 4

8b.  Joint PCC... 4

9.  Dates.. 4

10.  Ending.. 4


1.        Opening prayers

Sue opened the meeting with a prayer. Tricia Heckbert took the chair.

2.        Attendance, apologies and welcome


Christine Butler David Cheetham

Sylvia Dingley Chris Green

Tricia Heckbert

Colette Jeff








Tricia Lumley 

Barry Rose

Sue Rose



Richard Dingley Thea Oliver








3.        Minutes from 08/09/10 & 21/10/10

Both sets of minutes were agreed as an accurate record, subject to minor changes.

4.        Matters arising

13/07/10 – 6. Newsletter. SR has talked with Alison- the Church Office can buy in bulk and transport the paper more easily than can the Jeffs. (ACTION- CG to check with Alison).

08/09/10 – 7. Quadron access to churchyard. TO has not yet contacted Mendip re. access for grass cutting (Quadron did the cutting with strimmers when they could not get access for their mowers, obviously unsatisfactory). We will need to clear the access in the future.

(all other actions had been completed, and/or the date for them had passed).

5.  Any other business

6b, 6c on original agenda were covered in Arising. An extra item was added to decision, and two items for discussion.

6.  Items for Decision

6a.  Church refurbishment  

i.                                                Damp in corner by safe. DC has petitioned the archdeacon to allow us to clear the drain, which is the cause of the problem. She has not yet replied. The solution might be a new soakaway, or clean out the existing one. This has to be done before any further work in this area can be carried out.

ii.                                             Porch. This will be painted by Corbel, although we don’t have the resources for full preparation (paint removal). We will do the best we can.

iii.                                          Painting behind organ- Corbel will do this also- they have made a start.

iv.                                          Radiators- we are going to do this ourselves on Saturday 4th Dec.
ACTION: DC will buy paint, sandpaper, brushes etc. As many people as possible to come to do the painting, bringing their own sheets, brushes, containers for paint etc.

v.                                             Book case. Alan and Pat Sherlock have donated one, which will do very well.

vi.                                          Shed. Roy Dury estimated for the works. BR showed us a picture of the concrete base that had already been laid. The metal shed requires the base to be waterproof, which will be achieved by waterproofing the base. We will take delivery of the shed in the next 2 weeks. The remaining junk should be out of the church and into the shed by Christmas.
ACTION: BR to order the shed as soon as the base is fully ready.

vii.                                       Display of pictures from the school. We have been offered a large collage of the church by the school. If we accept it we need somewhere to put it. We agreed.
ACTION: CG write a letter to accept on our behalf. We need to lay down some rules for putting up pictures in church, indicatign no fixing to walls permitted, instead use of the existing free-standing boards, or perhaps attaching to the rood screen.

viii.                                    Notice boards for other uses. Should we leave our notices in the transept? We decided that some needed to be closer to the entrance, but additional ones could be in the transept, thus using two of our boards. NB. there are 2 notice boards behind the choir stalls. ACTION: CJ to cover the screens with fabric. 

ix.                                          Screens behind choir. Piers has not yet had time to draw us plans for this. He is thinking on the lines of a skimmed and painted structure to close off the boiler area, with doors into the chancel and the nave.

6b.  Christmas services 

1st Dec: Christingle service (to be organised and led by Nikki Devitt).

5th Dec: Advent service at 6 pm (Taizé style)- organised by TO.

19th Dec: Carol service at 6 pm- traditional format with readings and carols (some choir, some congregational)- organised by CG and Nikki

24th Dec: Midnight service at 11:30 pm.

25th Dec: Family service at 10 am led by TO (to be confirmed).

26th Dec: Joint communion at Cheddar at 10 am.

CB said that she will be available to read at either of the carol services if required.

Choir practices were being arranged at the Jeffs, for 7:30pm on various weekday evenings.

6c.  Fair Trade.

Elaine Reynolds (Cheddar) has volunteered to organise. Shall we try Fair Trade communion wine? We will test it for longevity before ordering.

6d.  Concert (18th Dec).

Needs plenty of publicity (including parish newsletter). SOSP will deal with refreshments. Please can the church be available during the day for setting up. Borrowing TO’s piano. Can Carl do the lighting? (TL to ask).

7.  Items for Discussion

7a.  Worship 

Mostly covered in 6a. NB. There has been no meeting of the worship group recently.

Could microphones be tested regularly? ACTION: CG to look into battery testers.

7b.  Fabric

One of the lights in the nave had gone. ACTION-  CG to change after the meeting.

Lampshades need cleaning- should be able to do that ourselves, with a ladder (Action?).

Window cleaning- more complicated. ACTION- CJ will ask Ron Moulton to look into it- but defer until the spring.

7c.  Finance 

We have £10,900 in the general funds and £8,900 in refurbishment funds.

We have paid for carpets and chairs, but not yet the Corbel bill. We will pay the balance of the parish share, and we have an insurance premium coming up. Together this will take all of our funds. NB. we are also expecting to pay our share of clergy expenses- these have been submitted to Dawn by SR and CB.

7d.  School 

(Nothing new to report)

7e.  SoSP 

About £100 was raised for the quiz. There is nothing else on the calendar for the moment.

7f.  LMG 

There was a very good evening with the archdeacon- 45 people.

Marriage preparation- booked for February.

Afternoon for families- Flagstaff Farm, next July.

Pulpit exchange next Sunday- Ken Brown from Crook Peak in Draycott.

CB- to facilitate a lay pastoral scheme for visitors. We recognise we could do better, particularly in areas like post-funeral visits.

7g.  Website 

CG is meeting with Tim Bibby (chairman of Friends of St. Leonards) over a redesign of parts of the website.

7h. 150th Anniversary 

i.                                                Three meetings of the organising committee have already taken place.

ii.                                             Nearly all the open gardens have been confirmed.

iii.                                          A concert programme for the whole week is being organised.

iv.                                          A choir from America has been booked for the 26th June.

v.                                             Alan Rowntree is working on publicity and possible sponsorship.

vi.                                          Every home will have a publicity brochure by 1st March.

vii.                                       There will be a stall at the Strawberry Fayre the previous week.

viii.                                    The Open Gardens and Cream Teas will have an entrance fee. Other events will be free.

ix.                                          Need to negotiate with the school- ACTION - SR.

7i.  Deanery Synod 

TL reported on the synod last week at Berrow, with the Rev. Sally- excellent talk on removing pews, among other topics. Next March the topic will be women in the episcopate. NB. PCCs were asked to discuss this in advance, where possible.

8.  Items of New Business

8a.  Reader placements 

Nikki’s placement will start on 16th Jan at Weston Hospital, shadowing a hospital chaplain. CG’s placement will finish in early December. SR asked CG to report back to the next PCC on his placement experience.

8b.  Joint PCC 

SR wants to have a further joint PCC with Cheddar and St. Leonard’s. Perhaps this would be the time to discuss ‘Women in the Episcopate’- see 7i.

9.  Dates

·             Next PCC meeting- Tuesday 18th January. CJ invited us to 9 Barnett’s Well- accepted!

·             Following PCC meeting- 23rd March.

·             APCM- 17th April.

10.  Ending

The meeting finished with the Grace.

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