Minutes of the Parochial Church Council, St. Peter’s Draycott


Held on 08/09/2010 at 8:00 p.m. at 9 Barnett’s Well, Draycott.

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1.      Opening prayers.. 1

2.      Attendance, apologies and welcome.. 1

3.      Minutes from 13/07/10.. 1

4.      Matters arising.. 1

5.  Any other business.. 2

6.  Items for Decision.. 2

6a.  Church refurbishment. 2

6b.  Harvest Supper. 3

6c.  St Peter’s 150th anniversary.. 3

6d.  Pastoral Measures Act.. 3

7.  Items for Discussion.. 3

7a.  Worship.. 3

7b.  Fabric.. 4

7c.  Finance.. 4

7d.  School. 4

7e.  SoSP... 4

7f.  LMG.... 4

7g.  Children’s Society.. 4

7h. Bible Society.. 4

7i.  Benefice weekend.. 4

8.  Items of New Business.. 5

8a.  Joint PCC... 5

9.  Dates.. 5



1.        Opening prayers

Sue opened the meeting with a prayer. Tricia Heckbert took the chair.

2.        Attendance, apologies and welcome


Christine Butler David Cheetham

Richard Dingley Sylvia Dingley Chris Green

Tricia Heckbert








Colette Jeff

Barry Rose

Sue Rose



Thea Oliver

Tricia Lumley








3.        Minutes from 13/07/10

The minutes were agreed as an accurate record, subject to minor changes.

4.        Matters arising

13/07/10 – 6. Newsletter). Cost breakdown for Alison had been done. Heather Robinson was told about its late arrival (but it was early!). SR had asked Kings of Wessex.

              Alison’s e-mail was read, expressing misgivings about the price of paper from Kings. We have committed to supplying paper- CJ will purchase in bulk to get lowest cost.

ACTION: CG to ask Alison Jeffries to contact Colette to get paper.

13/07/10 – 7 a. (Church closing). SR had written to the Bishop. CG had contacted the insurers about church closing, and DC had followed up.

13/07/10 – 7 c. (Secretarial help for Sue). This has been agreed between the churches by correspondence- CG read out Rod Pring’s mail reporting that Sylvia Hall is shortly to start for a 6 month period (to be reviewed) on Thursday mornings, at an hourly rate of £8. To formalise this agreement CG proposed the motion that we accept this arrangement (and our share in its cost). TH seconded. All were in favour. The motion was carried.

13/07/10- 7e. (Notice for car park). In TO’s absence we don’t know.

13/07/10- 7f. (Diocesan directory). SR had bought, there is a copy in the vestry.

13/07/10- 8a. (Worship).Worship subcommittee to discuss the 1st Sunday evening services had met. Other actions also in hand.

13/07/10- 8h. (Letter to Linda Whittle). Done.

13/07/10- 8k. (Trees). Done

13/07/10- 9a. (150th celebrations). Committee met on 12th July- BR, CB, CJ, Gordon Jeff and Alan Rowntree. SR is going through the process to get the bishop.

5.  Any other business

6b, 6c on original agenda were covered in Arising. An extra item was added to decision, and two items for discussion.

6.  Items for Decision

6a.  Church refurbishment  

DC briefed the meeting on current developments. An industrial sander had been hired for Monday and Tuesday, and several volunteers had spend a large part of this time sanding the wooden floor. This is largely complete, apart from some bits around the edges.

David circulated a budget (included here as Appendix). This presented us with several choices.

i.                                                Chairs- we would like to see (and sit on!) one of those chosen, if possible. They will not divulge customers who have bought specific types. Can we get them to deliver one, and avoid delivery charges since we are purchasing a number?
ACTION: DC to ring the company (Chairs GB) and ask them. We could postpone the final decision a while, as we will not want the chairs delivered until after the redecorating works in any case.

ii.                                             Carpeting. DC had asked for two quotations from Premier Flooring (Cheddar), for different surface areas. NB. Cost was not the only consideration- BR was especially concerned not to spoil the acoustics of the church- too much carpeting would make it ‘dead’.
ACTION: the meeting decided in favour of the lesser amount (quote 2). NB. this still leaves some possible variations- the vestry (NB. parquet flooring), and also the floor immediately inside the door. We could postpone the latter decisions as it would cost the same- it would be good to try it out, if possible.

iii.                                          Will VAT be recoverable?
ACTION: TH will find this out for us, for the different items.

iv.                                          Curtain rail. DC wanted the curtain rail on the kitchen side of the transept to stay down. Some rewiring would be required- could this be buried in a conduit under the floor?
ACTION: DC would suggest this.

v.                                             Colour. Will wait for paint samples.

Corbel were willing to be paid after they complete, not requiring advance payments. NB. we still don’t know when they will start.

The meeting thanked David for the immense amount of hard work he had put in to this project- it would certainly not be going ahead without him. Also we thanked those who had spent much of the last two days sanding the floor (including Gordon and Piers)- this was now looking splendid.

6b.  Harvest Supper 

To be held on 3rd October.

The worship group decided on a ‘songs of praise’ with Ploughman’s supper in the Strawberry Special skittle alley, if it was available- or else in the school. The meeting preferred the former.

ACTION: CG to ask TO to contact Strawberry Special

Reserve possibilities- the Red Lion- (RD will ask) or the school (SR will ask).

We would collect food for the Sisters of the Church- CG shared the ‘harvest appeal’ letter with the meeting. This would be a bit more difficult given the harvest supper venue.

ACTION: CG to publicise the CSC appeal in the Church Newsletter, and suggest collection points in the villages (houses of Trish Corrick and Richard & Sylvia Dingley in Draycott, CG’s porch in Rodney Stoke).

6c.  St Peter’s 150th anniversary.

BR circulated a sheet of ideas that had come out at the meeting, for our comments outside the meeting.

We were asked to decide in principle whether any of the events would have an entrance fee, and whether we would pay for speakers- in which case, what was the budget?

ACTION: Would take a vote when we have a clearer idea of potential costs. Where possible, events should be free- but open gardens (for example) would be paying.

6d.  Pastoral Measures Act.

The diocese is moving forward on the process to create a united benefice (CG read out a letter from the Archdeacon).

MOTION- RD proposed that we respond, signalling our approval for this process; CG seconded.  All were in favour.

ACTION: CG to respond to the archdeacon, conveying the feeling of the PCC.

7.  Items for Discussion

7a.  Worship 

SR reviewed the change in regular morning service times at Draycott to 9:30. It seemed to be working well, except that we were not getting any representation from The Laurels. CG reported that this was because of the lack of disabled access.

During church closure, do we want to have services in the school (with their approval)? The meeting agreed that we do

ACTION: SR is seeing Cathy Lowe and will put the request formally.

First Sunday special services. The services on 5th September had worked well. The 8 am service only had 7, but there were 24 at 6:30- most of whom stayed for Compline.

The next two first Sundays coincided with Harvest at Draycott, and the patronal service at Rodney Stoke. We would need to decide about the latter- perhaps we should join them? In view of the lack of evening service, we should probably have our 9:30 service as normal.

For some future 8am services- could use BCP. SR had no objections.

Note that joint benefice services would always be at 10 am, for consistency.

7b.  Fabric 

(already covered under Decisions).

7c.  Finance 

(already covered under Decisions).

7d.  School 

CG reported for Nikki.

·                                                  The foundation unit.had got off to a good start, though it is still not up to capacity. The staff had worked very hard over the summer to get everything ready (especially Cathy Lowe).

·                                                  Cathy had asked Nikki to take a lead role in planning the assembly themes for the term.

·                                                  Were we having a Christingle? Cathy was keen that we would. SR to discuss with her.

7e.  SoSP 

We were not clear on the time and venue for the Jumble Sale on the 25th (no TO or TL)

ACTION: CG to ask TO

7f.  LMG 

(see previous minutes)

7g.  Children’s Society 

(TL absent)

7h. Bible Society 

Cheddar Valley Bible Society- 14th October, service at Cheddar at 7:30. NB. next year will be the 400th anniversary of the publication of the KJV, and big celebrations are planned.

7i.  Benefice weekend 

This was going ahead- speakers were being arranged (mostly in house).

8.  Items of New Business

8a.  Joint PCC

Taking place on 21st October. The combined part would be 45 min, after which we would split up. We would stick to 7:30 for this one.

9.  Dates

Next PCC meetings- Tuesday 16th November and Tuesday 18th January.

Carol Service- 19th Dec, 6.00 pm.

BR would look into arranging a concert for 18th.

CG announced that he was arranging his reader’s placement, that would take him to Southmead for 6 Sundays during October/ November.

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Budget for refurbishment works- as presented to PCC on 08/09/2010



Total of Corbel prices


Add VAT @ 17.5%






Chairs - Hi-Lux Louis (page 11) 40 chairs @ 27.45


Add VAT @ 17.5%






(Ball-park) quotation from Premier Flooring (includes preparation of floor, fitting and VAT) 1. Whole of nave and transepts,








2. Straight across transepts and front of nave, centre walkway and surrounding font.








Grand total








Less recoverable VAT (?)




This does not include the cost (unknown) of moving the pulpit.


(Is VAT on carpets recoverable? - the carpets will become part of the fabric of the church, stuck down.)




In the bank


Fabric Fund








General Fund







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