Minutes of the Parochial Church Council, St. Peter’s Draycott


Held on 04/05/2010 at 8:00 p.m. at 9 Barnett’s Well, Draycott.

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1.        Opening prayers.. 1

2.        Attendance, apologies and welcome.. 1

3.        Minutes from 03/03/10.. 1

4.        Matters arising.. 1

5.        Other business.. 2

6.        Items for Decision.. 2

6a.  Church officers.. 2

6b.  New service times.. 2

6c.  Insurance for use of glebe field.. 2

6d.  Faculty for new works.. 2

6e.  Church Newsletter. 2

6f.  Ordination plans.. 2

7.        Items for Discussion.. 3

7a.  Worship.. 3

7b.  Fabric.. 3

7c.  Finance.. 3

7d.  School. 3

7e.  Supporters of St. Peter’s.. 4

7f.  LMG.... 4

7g.  Abbey House party.. 4

8.        Items of New Business.. 4

8a.  Study and fellowship groups.. 4

8b.  Lois Dingley.. 4

8c.  Music.. 4

9.        Dates.. 4

9a.  Next scheduled meetings.. 4

10.            Closing prayer. 4


1.        Opening prayers

Sue opened the meeting with a prayer. Tricia Heckbert took the chair.

2.        Attendance, apologies and welcome


David Cheetham

Richard Dingley Chris Green

Colette Jeff

Tricia Lumley







Thea Oliver

Barry Rose

Sue Rose


Sylvia Dingley Tricia Heckbert







3.        Minutes from 03/03/10

The minutes were agreed as an accurate record, subject to minor changes.

4.        Matters arising

03/03/10 – 6b. (Church as polling station). We had not yet organised any displays. SR may put up some prayers.

03/03/10 – 6c. (Mendip players- use of church). Our offer had been put to them, but it is unlikely that they will take it up. We are still too expensive.

03/03/10 – 6d. (path for school) CG had written, but not heard back. The ball is in their court.

03/03/10 – 6e. (Replacement service sheets for The Laurels). SR will send to CG.

03/03/10 – 6f. (Victor Skinner’s resignation). All proposed actions had been taken.

03/03/10 – 9a. (APCM) CG requested that all look at the draft minutes that had been circulated and get back to him with any corrections. Two copies have been left at the back of the church, and it is on the website. A report of the APCM will be published in the newsletter.

5.        Other business

Additional items tabled- 6e, 6f, 7g, 8a, 8b, 8c.

6.        Items for Decision

6a.  Church officers.

Secretary, Treasurer, Lay Chair agreed at APCM.

Standing committee to consist of Church Wardens, Treasurer, Secretary and the Incumbent.

Richard Dingley was asked if he would continue as electoral roll officer. He agreed.

6b.  New service times

SR confirmed that we were reverting to the former service times, i.e. Draycott 9:30 and Rodney Stoke 11:15, with immediate effect. The first of the evening services would be in September 5th.

NB. Harvest is first Sunday in October- 3rd. Perhaps we should have the supper after the service.

6c.  Insurance for use of glebe field

The glebe field is in occasional use as an overspill car part, but is almost certainly not covered by our insurance. But the main car park is not even ours- it is diocesan land, like the field. In both cases the parking is at the owner’s risk. At most we should display notices to this effect.

6d.  Faculty for new works

·             We will need a faculty even for the repainting, and probably for the replastering. NB. the cap for a de minimis faculty is £5,000.

·             The cupboards in the vestry are not subject to faculty, as long as they are not fitted or fixed.

·             SR has requested a visitation visit.

·             SR has mailed the archdeacon re. Funds and faculty.

·             Need further discussions about the boxing in of the North Porch area- Chedburn is proposing something in oak and glass, our ideas are more plain and functional (also cheaper). We should be prepared to discuss at the visitation.

ACTION: SR to chase up DAC over visitation.

6e.  Church Newsletter

Alison Jeffries is using the church office in Cheddar for the printing- Janet has taken on the printing job. NB. Alison would like to visit the PCC

ACTIONS: CG to ask Alison to the next PCC.

6f.  Ordination plans

The time is 10:30, not 10.00 as originally stated.

Cheddar have booked Alison Pople for the catering, and people will pay for themselves. The churches will be asked to cover the costs for Christine and her family. NB. Cheddar are concerned about the venue- is it big enough?

Draycott Memorial Hall was booked originally- could it be booked again?

ACTION: SR to try booking this and negotiate a price.

7.        Items for Discussion

7a.  Worship

Easter services were very successful. The moveable service on Friday worked well, although the timing might be adjusted.

SR will be officiating at Draycot once a month until September. We have all services covered (thanks especially to Gordon Jeff).

Father’s Day- 20th June. Cheddar will not put on their family service. However Draycott will not clash, and we expressed a wish to have our 9:30 Eucharist as usual- people who wish can participate in Father’s Day later on. We need to look after our regular congregation- especially as we will close only 2 weeks later for the ordination.

ACTION: arrange a priest for 20th June (SR, DC, TO?).

ACTION: (all) Request for cakes for Father’s day. Publicise nearer the time.

7b.  Fabric

DC is pursuing alternative contractors for the works- Corbel have been approached, and DC thinks they will be cheaper than Ellis.

ACTION: BR will look at places where Corbel have worked.

We shall ahead with what we can afford, subject to faculties. If necessary we will give ourselves a loan (ie.from the general fund), especially as VAT is paid up front (and then refunded). We might also solicit short term loans from individuals.

Chairs: a brochure was passed round showing DC’s preferred option- £36.95 each, stackable. Do we need a trolley? NB. we should purchaser 40-50, and keep some of the plastic chairs in reserve (we need not put them out except when required).

7c.  Finance

Was the parish return sent? We have been asked to produce it. NB. SR will support us for this year if we were to classify ourselves as ‘d’, in view of exceptional circumstances.

After discussion, a motion was put that we classify ourselves as category ‘d’ this year (proposed Colette Jeff, seconded Barry Rose). All were in favour, and the motion was carried.

ACTION: SR had a blank copy of the parish return- this would be completed and returned forthwith.

7d.  School

Nothing new- has been struggling with staff problems due to staff sickness and travel problems.

7e.  Supporters of St. Peter’s

Dingbats were raised over £100.

Alan Rowntree’s lecture made us £370 clear. But no-one responded to the invitation to contribute to SoSP on a regular basis.

Next event- cream tea on afternoon of 23rd May (Pentecost)- including a treasure hunt quiz.

Another idea- soup recipe book.

The meeting thanked TO, TL et al for all their hard work.

7f.  LMG

Father’s day on 20th June (see above)

Children’s day- Sat 15th May- had not actually been organised, so is not happening.

‘Messy Church’ will now happen in Cheddar, in October- to be announced.

Pulpit exchange- June 6th (Pentecost 1). Will not involve Draycott this time (NB. Nikki Devitt is preaching).

7g.  Abbey House party

Abbey House Glastonbury has been booked for the 5-7th November (weekend) for a Benefice event. This will take 3 people. Can we come up with ideas on things to do? Who may be interested? It will cost £120 each.

8.        Items of New Business

8a.  Study and fellowship groups

The Draycott/ Rodney Stoke group will be at Audrey Morgan’s house, and led by Joan Salmon. They will be following an ‘Emmaus’ course module, the first one being an overview of scripture. Contact Hilary Thomas (NB. there will be booking sheets at the back of the church).

8b.  Lois Dingley

International Nepal Fellowship is asking for volunteers to work in rural areas for short periods to share expertise on specific skills. How do we pass this on the wider community? Perhaps ask the chair of synod first. Publicise as much as possible..

8c.  Music

Hymn practice for September- please make this an agenda item for next time.

9.        Dates

9a.  Next scheduled meetings

The following dates were agreed for the PCC-

Tuesday 13th July, Wednesday 8th September, Tuesday 16th November, Tuesday 18th January.

10.  Closing prayer

The meeting concluded with the Grace.

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