Minutes of the Parochial Church Council, St. Peter’s Draycott


Held on 15/12/2009 at 8:00 p.m. at Milton House, Wet Lane, Draycott.


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1.        Opening prayers.. 1

2.        Attendance, apologies and welcome.. 1

3.        Minutes from 5/11/09.. 1

4.        Matters arising 5/11/09.. 1

5.        Other business.. 1

6.        Items for Decision.. 2

6a.  Church refurbishment- community payback.. 2

6b.  Church reappointment. 2

6c.  Chancel lighting.. 3

6d.  Church newsletter. 3

6e.  Lent course 2010.. 3

7.        Items for Discussion.. 3

7a.  Worship.. 3

7b.  Fabric.. 3

7c.  Finance.. 3

7d.  School. 4

7e.  Supporters of St. Peter’s.. 4

7f.  LMG.... 4

7g.  Readers.. 4

7h.  Deanery synod.. 4

8.        Items of New Business.. 4

8a.  Curate.. 4

9.        Dates.. 4

9a.  Next scheduled meetings.. 4


1.        Opening prayers

Sue opened the meeting with a prayer. Tricia Heckbert took the chair.

2.        Attendance, apologies and welcome


David Cheetham

Richard Dingley Sylvia Dingley Chris Green

Tricia Heckbert Colette Jeff








Tricia Lumley

Sue Rose

Victor Skinner



Thea Oliver

Barry Rose








3.        Minutes from 5/11/09

The minutes were agreed as an accurate record, subject to some minor typographical amendments.

4.        Matters arising 5/11/09

3a. (book review in Church Newsletter) Nikki Devitt had written one.

3b. (meeting with Nikki and Cathy Lowe) Arranged for 20th January.

5.        Other business

(nothing raised formally)

6.        Items for Decision

6a.  Church refurbishment- community payback

The supervisor for community work by offenders has been in touch with David, and will come and visit in the new year. We don’t know what routine of work will be suggested, and will have to be flexible. We should be as welcoming as possible and let them know that their work is appreciated. DC would try to be there most of the time they were working, and it would be useful if others could also be there when possible.

The initial jobs would include removing old paintwork (especially in the porch), and hacking back decayed plaster. We might have to put up with some weeks of the church being a mess, and make alternative arrangements for our services.

6b.  Church reappointment

i.                Enclosing the north choir aisle

David had previously circulated and discussed his ideas for this- it would involve the boxing in of a portion of the church east of the north transept (kitchen) and north of the chancel (using stud walling to fill up to the  two arches overhead). It would incorporate two doors- one from the kitchen area, another from the choir.

This was proposed formally to the PCC by TH and seconded by CG. All were in favour. BR and TO had previously expressed their approval.


SR to approach husband Piers to assess the stud walling job with a view to putting in a bid to carry it out himself. NB. He would need scaffolding/ tower to be supplied.

DC to finalise plans with the architect (George Chedburn), and then apply for a faculty to approve the works. NB. This could probably not be done under de minimis rules, but it would be helpful to have the support of Mr. Chedburn as he sits on the DAC.

ii.             Cupboards

RD approved the replacement of wardrobe, chest and sideboard in the vestry with cupboards along the back wall or on the west wall. We could re-site the old pew.

iii.          Pin board

RD also thought we should have a ‘pin board’ along the north and south walls of the church between the top of the radiators and the bottom of the windows. We could then do without the movable boards at the back of the church. There was approval for this arrangement.

iv.          Seating

The chairs had been very durable but were inadequate both as to comfort and appearance. This was high on our ‘wish list’ of things to put right.

v.             Flooring

SR thought that it would greatly enhance the space and its flexibility if the floor were uniformly covered. At present, the chairs are most often used to simply replace the pews, partly because there is such a distinct central aisle.

vi.          Disabled access

We must be careful that any developments do not hinder disabled access. The church entrance could be equipped with a ramp.

6c.  Chancel lighting

We have some temporary lighting. Will wait for Thea to arrange something more permanent. (NB. Also in chancel – blue plastic covering over the organ. This was still needed for the moment but would be cleared away as soon as possible).

6d.  Church newsletter

Are we going to switch printing from Kings of Wessex school to the church office in Cheddar?

We reviewed the options and found that it was 5p per sheet for black and white in the church office, and 4.1 in Kings of Wessex. A drawback of the school was that it did not operate over the summer.

ACTION: Recommend carrying on with the school for printing- partly due to cost, partly because it has worked well up to now- and also it is less work for us.

The meeting was very approving of the ‘relaunch’ of the newsletter under its new editors, and wishes them well for the future.

6e.  Lent course 2010

The LMG are supporting the Diocesan course, produced by the environmental group. Title is ‘Love for the Future’ and it will be released in January. It has 6 sessions and has a DVD.

We have some support from other churches. The Methodists and Roman Catholics would like to be involved. The Baptists are interested but would like to inspect the course material first. Hilary Thomas has offered to co-ordinate the groups.

ACTION: SR to ask Hilary Thomas to make a contribution to the next magazine(s).

7.        Items for Discussion

7a.  Worship

SR wants to arrange the timetable to allow her to stay after the service for coffee. This may sometimes be facilitated by having someone else lead the service in Cheddar, allowing SR to arrive late. However a longer term arrangement is required that would reduce or eliminate the need to go from one service to another so quickly.

RS asked for feedback on the new services. We voiced some opinions- generally the consensus was that we like them.

Looking forward to our joint service on the 31st Jan, DC suggested that we just sing the hymns, as the tunes of the Gloria etc. be unfamiliar to Cheddar folk.

7b.  Fabric

DC said that the wire door designed to close over the wooden one at the back was to be removed, as it is no longer functional. He proposed the same for an iron curtain rail that was no longer in use. The meeting agreed.

ACTION: DC to remove these items to the recycling centre.

7c.  Finance

There is £1800 in the general fund current account and £4515 in the deposit. There is £10,600 in the fabric fund (taking the current and deposit accounts together).

Parish share for next year will cost us an extra £1000. This partly reflects the increased attendance.

DC asked everyone concerned to make out end-of-year accounts (Linda Whittle- Children’s Society; Tricia Heckbert, Christian Aid).

DC asked about the Friends of Somerset Churches and Chapels- we had agreed to subscribe but he had not heard from them this year.

ACTION: CG/RD (and anyone else!) to find out what was happening with our subscription.

7d.  School

SR had just been to see the school play, which was very good.

The school are going to do a ‘sort of’ Christingle service this Friday.

We have invited all children to activities between 3-5 pm this Saturday.

7e.  Supporters of St. Peter’s

(Defer, as Thea is away).

7f.  LMG

Pulpit exchange worked well. There will be another one in February.

Next year’s Pentecost celebrations- a ‘children’s day’, once more at Flagstaff Farm.

Ken Brown is organising a young person’s trip to Greenbelt.

There is a ‘Worship without Words’ event planned for 31st January- watch this space!

7g.  Readers

The next readership training for Chris and Nikki would be on 31st January- a pity as this coincides with the joint service. They had recently carried out visits to a funeral director and a crematorium as part of their funeral ministry training.

7h.  Deanery synod

TL had recently attended Deanery Synod, which had been very good. Topics included Christian Aid and the Environmental Group.

ACTION: We should bring up environmental issues in a forthcoming PCC.

8.        Items of New Business

8a.  Curate

SR reported that the new curate would be ordained on 4th July at Wells cathedral. Her name is Christine Butler. She is currently training at Durham.

9.        Dates

9a.  Next scheduled meetings

21st January 2010- 8pm at SR’s house (Yeoddens); 3rd March 2010- 8pm (tba)

11th April 2010- APCM

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