Minutes of the Parochial Church Council, St. Peter’s Draycott


Held on 11/11/2008 at 7:30 p.m. at 9, Barnett’s Well, Draycott.

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1.     Opening prayers. 1

2.     Attendance, apologies and welcome. 1

3.     Minutes of previous meeting. 1

4.     Arising, actions. 1

5.     Any other business. 2

6.     Items for Decision. 2

6 a      Font appeal 2

6 a      Further grant applications. 2

7.     Items for Discussion. 3

7 a.      New Incumbent News. 3

7 b.     Worship. 3

7 c.      Fabric. 3

7 d.     Finance. 3

7 e.      SoSP. 3

7 f.      LMG.. 3

8.     Items of New Business. 4

8 a.      Participation in joint Lent course. 4

8 b.     Stewarding at the Bishop’s Palace. 4

8 c.      Deanery Synod. 4

8 c.      Carol services. 4

9.     Dates. 4

10.      Closing prayer 4


1.      Opening prayers

Stanley opened the meeting with a prayer. Tricia Heckbert took the chair.

2.      Attendance, apologies and welcome


David Cheetham

Chris Green

Tricia Heckbert Colette Jeff

Tricia Lumley

Thea Oliver

Barry Rose










Richard Dingley Sylvia Dingley





3.      Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of the 13/10/2008 meeting were agreed as accurate.

4.      Arising, actions

Previous to meeting of 13/10/08

6 c     (Electric cable hazard/ lighting rearrangement)- done.

8 c     (English Heritage). The last bill has been paid, but the receipt is not with Victor- probably in RD’s house. NB. he is not back until 19th Nov.

Meeting of 13/10/08

6 b     (Vicarage). This had been agreed by e-mail; CG had sent the confirmation to Penny Cooke. NB. There technically had been a quorum at the last meeting. However the numbers were so low that it was nevertheless inappropriate to force through a majority decision on a contentious issue. CG had acted correctly in obtaining a wider vote by e-mail.

7 b     (Creed) On this item being queried, BR restated his belief that this should always be said.
ACTION: more discussion needed at a later date- also on sung Gloria.

7 c     (Light in kitchen) DC had inspected and found it to be in poor condition.
ACTION: DC will find another lamp.

7 g     (Readership) Should we ask RS for a contribution to readership fee? (£200 per candidate).
ACTION: TO to ask

8 a     (Instructions for celebrant) These had been sent and good feedback received. TO would like a copy, and BR wanted Rose Hoskin’s address.

8 b     (Organ repair) DC has contacted organ repairer, who proposed a cheap fix (around £200).
ACTION: please go ahead, NB. before BR’s concert!

5.      Any other business

(items received and added to agenda-  8c,  8d)

6.      Items for Decision

6 a       Font appeal

·      Stanley reported that the Church Buildings Council (formerly Council for the Care of Churches) have mounted a more serious challenge than that of the Victorian Society, which increases the likelihood of this hearing extending for the full two days.

·      It seems very unfair that we will have to bear the costs of this case, but these are the rules. Also we have not been treated properly in SP’s opinion- e.g. we have never had the formal directions that are referred to by the Dean.

·      We have been asked to produce photographic evidence- it may be best to share the ITV video clip. Stanley will see whether Miles Whittle has the original photos he took.

·      Ruth Arlow does not think we should ask the Dean for a delay in the hearing now- it is best to press ahead. We need to prepare skeleton arguments- Ruth Arlow and Andrew Johnson are working on these.

·      The ‘home team’ need to concentrate on the Victorian Society’s objections, and leave the argument over ecclesiastical law to the experts.

·      We also need to document the costs of refurbishment since the quinquennial survey in 2006.

ACTION: SP to get DC to help with the costs so far.

6 b       Further grant applications

·      Victor has been working on grant aid, taking listings in the Funds For Historic Buildings directory. The possibilities were shortlisted to 46 (available to religious buildings). Items for grants concentrated on major structural refurbishment- repair of toilet roof, damp course, high-volume guttering, redecoration.

·      Some have sent application forms. Various restrictions apply (e.g. £2,000 limit)

·      Somerset Aggregates have not replied.

·      English Heritage have encouraged us to apply, but the previous grant should be finished first.

·      Friends of Somerset Churches & Chapels have replied.

·      The National Churches Trust will grant between £2,500 - £39,000. They have sent a 10-page application.

·      The Church Buildings Council will not give grants for anything built since 1850.

·      We need a project plan.

(SP, TH and Victor left at this point in the meeting)

7.      Items for Discussion

7 a.      New Incumbent News

Shortlisting had happened on 29th October, and two men and two women were selected. One of the women has since withdrawn. They will be taken around the villages on Thursday 20th November, and interviewed the next day. There will be an evening ‘social’, but much smaller than the previous affair. Nikki is the organiser of the Draycott part of the ‘open day’. There was a question- could we circulate the names of the candidates to those who would show them around?


1.      TO will speak to Nikki about circulating the identity of candidates beforehand.

2.      CG to ask Nikki to tell the volunteer drivers as soon as possible who will be wanted, and when.

7 b.      Worship

Sunday 16th November is to have a hymn practice instead of a sermon. Can we have two readings only please
ACTION: TO to sort.

7 c.      Fabric


7 d.      Finance

DC had received the bill for next year’s parish share, which is up from this year’s at £9,488.

7 e.      SoSP

            The aim is to have a monthly event, with £100 per month as the target. Forthcoming events are:

                                i.            Soup lunch next Saturday, proceeds to be split between the refurbishment fund and our Christmas charity (to be decided).

                               ii.            PTAF (6th December)- proceeds will be split between the church and school.

                             iii.            The flower and crib festival will take place on 11, 12 and 13th December- proceeds all to refurbishment fund.

7 f.       LMG

Beetle Drive next Saturday.

8.      Items of New Business

8 a.      Participation in joint Lent course

CG passed on the information that St. Andrews, Cheddar were thinking of doing the newly published York course, and they invited us to join them. Would we be interested?

ACTION: the meeting thought we would be interested, CG to respond positively.

8 b.      Stewarding at the Bishop’s Palace

We had received an appeal for volunteers to steward at the Bishop’s Palace and Grounds. NB. Victor and Rita do this already.

ACTION: TO to announce in church.

8 c.      Deanery Synod

TL had not been able to attend the last one- when is the next? Ask Ann Percival.

8 c.      Carol services

DC had talked to Michael Taylor about Christmas Carol Services. DC will conduct and MT will play, and they had provisionally agreed on music. Rehearsal- next Tuesday 18th at 7:30, at the Jeffs. Gordon has produced a programme for the Draycott service.


9.      Dates

            Next PCC- Tuesday 9th December, 9 Barnett’s Well.

Following PCC- Monday12th Jan, 9 Barnett’s Well.

10. Closing prayer

The meeting was closed with the Grace.

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