Minutes of the Parochial Church Council, St. Peter’s Draycott


Held on 13/10/2008 at 7:30 p.m. at 9, Barnett’s Well, Draycott.

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1.     Opening prayers. 1

2.     Attendance, apologies and welcome. 1

3.     Minutes of previous meeting. 1

4.     Arising, actions. 1

5.     Any other business. 2

6.     Items for Decision. 2

6 a      Font appeal 2

6 b      Vicarage. 2

7.     Items for Discussion. 3

7 a.      New Incumbent News. 3

7 b.     Worship. 3

7 c.      Fabric. 3

7 d.     Finance. 3

7 e.      SoSP. 3

7 f.      LMG.. 3

7 g.     Readership. 4

8.     Items of New Business. 4

8 a.      Conduct of services. 4

8 b.     Organ. 4

8 c.      Carol Services. 4

9.     Dates. 4

10.      Closing prayer 4


1.      Opening prayers

Stanley opened the meeting with a prayer. Tricia Heckbert took the chair.

2.      Attendance, apologies and welcome


David Cheetham

Chris Green

Tricia Heckbert Colette Jeff

Barry Rose








Tricia Lumley

Thea Oliver

Richard Dingley Sylvia Dingley







Stanley Price (SP) was also in attendance to brief us about the Font appeal.

3.      Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of the 01/09/2008 meeting were agreed as accurate.

4.      Arising, actions

6 c     (Electric cable hazard/ lighting rearrangement).

DC moved the cable. He will investigate the re-directing of the lights in the chancel with Ray.

6 d     (Old hymn books). Rodney Stoke would like to borrow them over Christmas- BR to arrange.

7 c i.  (Insurance) Not done.

7 c ii. (Lightning rods) SP’s advice was that we should get the works actioned as we might otherwise invalidate our insurance.

7 c iv. (Sandbags) Sandbags are available from B&Q and Maunders. DC to enquire.

7 c v. (Temporary Event Notification for Harvest Supper) CG had obtained one and was reimbursed from proceeds on the night.

8 a     (Monument in Graveyard) CG had to get a signature from the Archdeacon, in the absence of an Incumbent and Rural Dean. A cheque was then posted to us, and passed on to DC. However DC had returned it as they should not be paying us, but MDC (as they own the graveyard). CG had spent rather a lot of time on this and evidently been misinformed!

8 c     (English Heritage- last part of grant) Chedburn has sent the final certificate to RD, and the final bill can now be paid. The diocese will also need a copy to cover the faculty. NB. With RD away, DC will request a copy of the certificate so that he can action.

5.      Any other business

(items received and added to agenda- 6b, 8a, 8b, 8c)

6.      Items for Decision

6 a       Font appeal

            SP- Sarah Leaver (assistant to Registrar John Rees) suggested dates of 3, 4, or 5th November.

We shall need to decide about legal representation- may need both QC and a solicitor. SP has been in discussion with Andrew Johnson and Martin Follett. We have no money to spend! We also need to bolster our case by following up grant giving bodies (so that we are not seen to be taking no action on finding alternative funding).

NB. Estimates so far for legal costs: Solicitor, £1,500; Counsel, £1-2,000 per day; preparation, £1,500; cost of court, £2,500 per day.


·        SP to continue discussions on legal representation, and find less expensive cousel.

·        SP to seek support from RD and TO (NB. RD will be back from 23rd Nov)

·        SP will ask the Dean for an extension to prepare our case

·        DC will approach Victor Skinner to get contacts for the different bodies he previously approached (NB. Somerset Churches & Chapels, English Heritage, Somerset Aggregates).

6 b       Vicarage.

CG had received a notification from Penny Cooke, Diocesan property officer, that there was an intention to sell the current vicarage and buy a property called ‘Yeodens’ in Station Road. The parish would still have use of the large parish room at the existing vicarage.

The meeting was split on the desirability of the move. Since the meeting was probably not quorate, and was certainly divided, it was not possible to come to a decision.

7.      Items for Discussion

7 a.      New Incumbent News

The meeting to shortlist the candidates was fixed for 29th October, and the visits and interviews for 20th and 21st November. Draycott representatives on the panel will be Nikki Devitt and Thea Oliver.

7 b.      Worship

There had been a meeting of the joint worship group in Rodney Stoke parish hall on 10th September, and CG had previously circulated some notes. Two of the recommendations that came from the meeting were aired:

·      Extend the use of the metrical Creed and Gloria (previously tried at Draycott)? Opinion was divided- some were keen to preserve the text of the Nicene or the Apostles creed, and the opinion was expressed that singing a creed was not acceptable.

·      Do without the Prayer of Humble Access? We could not agree on this either. Perhaps we should leave all such changes until a new incumbent is appointed?

ACTION: None, unless the PCC wish to revisit these ideas when there are more members present.

7 c.      Fabric

i.      The light in the kitchen needs to be replaced.

ACTION: DC will look at it and replace if possible.

ii.     Box for music system. This was found to be open last Sunday, although the contents were undamaged. We did not know how this happened, but the locking is not very secure.

7 d.      Finance

Funds: £6,500 (approx) in general fund, £4,185 in the refurbishment fund.

DC will not pay further instalments to the parish share whilst we have legal expenses over the Font sale appeal in prospect. The meeting supported this.

7 e.      SoSP

                                i.            The Harvest Supper had been very successful, and made £390. £185 was donated to the Community of the Sisters of the Church, and the rest went to our refurbishment fund (we were going to divide it equally but there was a late contribution after the cheque had already been sent to the Sisters).

                               ii.            The table top sale raised £30.

                             iii.            The soup lunch will be on Saturday 15th November.

                             iv.            We are helping in the PTAF Christmas Fair on the 6th December.

7 f.       LMG

Pulpit exchange- 26th October

7 g.      Readership

The two readers have officially started their course. Fees have already been paid by the treasurer (£200 per reader). Chris and Nikki will fund one of these places, as it is too heavy a burden for a single parish to fund both.

Is the license for one or for both parishes? If for both (the most likely), can we get a contribution from Rodney Stoke?

8.      Items of New Business

8 a.      Conduct of services.

Some celebrants are happier to run the service than others. We should check with them to see whether someone should assist (as TO did most ably when Dick Ackworth was late).

They also need some more instruction from us, to warn them of local requirements in advance.

ACTION: BR will draw up a sheet of instructions for visiting celebrants, and get in touch with them.

8 b.      Organ.

There is a problem with the super-octave coupler. Something needs to be done about it.

ACTION: DC will call in the organ tuner.

8 c.      Carol Services.

Michael Taylor and David Cheetham have agreed on the joint service for both Draycott and Rodney Stoke. Gordon is choosing the readings at Draycott, Rodney Stoke no doubt have their own ones in hand.

9.      Dates

·      Bible Society- Jamaican evening (23rd October)

·      Next PCC- 11th November, 9 Barnett’s Well (apologies from RD, SD)

·      Following PCC- 9th December, 9 Barnett’s Well.

10. Closing prayer

The meeting was closed with the Grace.

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