Minutes of the Parochial Church Council, St. Peter’s Draycott

Held on 17/01/2006 at 7:30 p.m. in the church.                            


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1.     Opening prayers. 1

2.     Attendance and apologies. 1

3.     Minutes of previous meeting. 1

4.     Arising, actions. 1

5.     Any other business. 2

6.     Items for Decision. 2

6 a.      Talk from font purchaser. 2

6 b.     Charities group. 3

6 c      Lent groups. 3

6 d      Christian Art Exhibition. 3

7.     Items for Discussion. 3

7 a.      Worship. 3

7 b.     Fabric. 3

7 c.      Finance. 4

7 d.     Fund raising. 4

7 e.      Church re-ordering. 4

7 f.      Sale of vicarage. 5

8.     New business. 5

8 a.      Church’s mission in the Parish. 5

8 b.     Music in church. 5

8 c.      More preachers. 5

8 d.     Magazine. 5

8 e.      Other issues. 5

9.     Dates. 5

10.      Closing prayer 5


1.      Opening prayers

Stanley opened the meeting with a prayer and Thea took the chair.

2.      Attendance and apologies


John Cartwright Wendy Cartwright

Gillian Crease

Chris Green

Tricia Heckbert

Colette Jeff

Thea Oliver









Present- contd.

Stanley Price

Victor Skinner Lorne Talbot



Richard Dingley Sylvia Dingley









3.      Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of 5/12/2005 meeting were agreed as accurate.

4.      Arising, actions

(not covered in Agenda)

from minutes previous to 05/12/05

6 a. (Chancel decoration) In progress. VC showed us a sample of the duck-egg blue. The local person who was to have provided an alternative quotation was not willing to proceed once he understood the specialised nature of the job. The timescale is too tight to search for alternatives, so we will retain the original choice. The PCC approved these decisions.

6 d. (Toilet seat). Bolts were corroded, not easy to see how to remove the lid. Perhaps we should just saw it off?.
6 e. (Church linen). CG had spoken to Heather, who had sorted some of it with RD but there was still some to go through. Colette will liaise with Heather to sort the remaining linen out.
6 f. (Kettle). Wendy had bought two new ones.

from minutes of 02/12/05

6 (AOB- contacting LMG to meet for Stanley’s re-licensing). SP will give contact information to TO who will send an invitation.

6 h. (Charities group). Still need to do this. ACTION: TO will announce in church.

7 c. (Bells). The bells are not safe. One bell is loose in its housing and gets jammed in the ‘up’ position. Mr. Chedburn has been informed. This may be a job for a Somerset foundry, as it needs a proper re-moulding.
ACTION: Mr. Chedburn is following this up. Until further notice we must not ring the bell- put the bell ropes out of reach (done).

7 e. (German War Graves Commission). There was insufficient information to take this up formally with the diocese. All we know is that formerly the diocese were forwarding £50 per year for the upkeep of war graves, now they are not. There were formerly two iron crosses, but they are not there now.
ACTION: JC to talk informally with Jonathan Cox, diocesan treasurer.

5.      Any other business

a. (Raised by CG on behalf of Owen Spencer):

In December last year Mid Somerset Series newspaper titles ran a piece on Christmas services at Cheddar Valley churches. Rodney Stoke and Draycott did not figure among the over 80 village churches mentioned. Why not?

The simple answer was- no-one sent the list (and we were not asked).
ACTION: next year the PCC secretary will have the job of making sure the list gets forwarded.

Can we arrange for the LMG to meet here so that the licensing can be done? Mothering Sunday was proposed, and agreed by the meeting.

The PCC expressed their pleasure at Stanley's continuation as our vicar.

ACTION: RD to write to secretary of LMG with invitation.

b. (Raised by TO on behalf of Wilf Lacey)

Wilf was worried that people tending graves in the churchyard were not using the bonfire/ bins appropriately. (Where do people put old ‘oasis’?- this must not go on the fire).
ACTION: TO volunteered Audrey to discover what the rules are. CJ will make any new notices that may be required.

6.      Items for Decision

6 a.      Talk from font purchaser.

Should this be an open meeting or restricted?

i. After RD gets back the vicar & wardens will decide.

ii. Meeting suggested for March. Colette will organise. NB. Any talk should take in other features of interest such as the rood screen and pulpit.

6 b.      Charities group.

These individuals have come forward: Tricia Heckbert, Owen Spencer, Colette Jeff.

6 c       Lent groups.

The bible study group considered five different Lent courses. Our favourites were two specifically for Lent 2006. One was a ‘York’ course entitled ‘Where is God today’, and the other a CTBNI course entitled ‘Easter people in a Good Friday world’. The group left CG the casting vote between these alternatives, and he decided on the latter one.
ACTION: SP will inform other churches and publicise a list for expressions of interest. We shall decide on numbers of groups and timing(s) when we know the level of interest.

6 d       Christian Art Exhibition.

Stanley has used Card Charities monies to buy a pack of reproductions of contemporary Christian art, for use in the school and anywhere else we might wish to use it. One set was passed around. Stanley proposed an exhibition to be staged in church during Lent
ACTION: PCC approved; SP will stage it. Eva will help SP.

7.      Items for Discussion

7 a.      Worship

i.            The non-Eucharistic service for the first Sunday of February will have a Candle Mass theme. We have a form of service, but more help is needed.
ACTION: Announce on Sunday. WC will help on the day.

ii.           For the next quarter, we might revert to Eucharistic services but with a very informal approach (no robes, simple liturgy, invite all comers to take communion).
ACTION: Start the first Sunday of April. Discuss details at the next worship group.

iii.         Iona service. Another is planned for the 29th January.

7 b.      Fabric

(VS took this item in RD’s absence)


i.            VS had discussed chancel painting question with George Chedburn and Andrew Kynaston. A number of decisions are required from us relating to works that could be carried out whilst the scaffolding is in place.
Firstly: the original ceiling colour was not the current pale blue, but a dark blue. This would require an extra coating of varnish to be colour-fast, at an extra cost of £1200. (The alternative is the duck-egg blue previously shown to the meeting).
ACTION: the meeting decided on the cheaper alternative of duck-egg blue.

ii.           Secondly, the original gold rays on the beams could be re-painted. The cost of this would be £300.
ACTION: the meeting agreed to the re-painting of the gold rays.

iii.         Thirdly, the chain holding the candelabra is rusty. Cleaning and repainting would cost £90.
ACTION: the meeting agreed to the cleaning & repainting of the candelabra chain.

iv.         Fourthly, the chancel arch could be painted to match the interior. The cost for this would be £300.
ACTION: the meeting agreed to the painting of the chancel arch.

v.          On a different subject, the drain by the back door is blocked. The manhole cover is also very fragile. Whose responsibility is this?
ACTION: SP will ask Steve Wall to inspect the drain and the man-hole covers and report back. (NB. Soiled water drainage is responsibility of Wessex Water, rain water drainage of Bristol Water).

7 c.      Finance.

Wendy circulated a draft of the annual accounts for our inspection.
SP asked why our income was down £2000 on the previous year. The answer: we had not recovered VAT this year, although there will be some VAT (for scaffolding) that will go into next year’s income.

We cannot afford to pay any more Parish Share for the moment.

The flower fund is dormant.

Copytec (who service the photocopier) have asked us for £164 for future servicing of the photocopier. We are discontinuing this servicing so will not pay.

(JC item). Informal discussions with the diocese reveal that grants are available to create disabled facilities in churches. He had obtained papers for grant applications.
ACTION: JC will hand the papers to VC. VC to look into.

The meeting thanked Wendy and John.

7 d.      Fund raising.

Before Christmas we received a cheque for £2000 from the historic Churches Preservation Trust. We have been promised a further £2000 from the Friends of Somerset Churches.

We applied to Wyvern Waste Management, but they had already made their allocation for this year.

We are thinking of applying to Wessex Aggregates for grants for some piece of work, such as disabled access, floodlights or the new path.

It was suggested that we might utilise Community Service manpower in decorating the church.

We have received a license for the draw- this must be in Sedgemoor.

The meeting thanked Victor for all his hard work.

7 e.      Church re-ordering

This really needs a special meeting, rather than being tacked on to a normal PCC. We should involve the architect Mr. Chedburn.

ACTION: Churchwardens and vicar to take this forward when RD is back.

7 f.       Sale of vicarage.

SP had been going over contemporary minutes provided by CG concerning the building of the second vicarage. The final account for the new vicarage/sale of old vicarage showed a surplus of over £1,400 indicating that there was no need for a contribution from the PCC. The PCC of the time mobilised £500 from the church office account for their contribution. SP will choose a moment to take this forward with the diocese.

8.      New business

8 a.      Church’s mission in the Parish.

Bishop Peter is keen that all clergy speak about mission in the parishes. We need to consider, what are we for? This may require a meeting for itself- SP will come back with a suggestion.

8 b.      Music in church

CG thought there would be support in the church for a music group, to lead singing during services. David Cheetham had been approached and was willing to act as choirmaster. We would need to find a day and time to practice, say every 2 weeks.
ACTION: PCC approved. CG to take forward when he returns from his holiday.

8 c.      More preachers

SP proposed that other people than himself and RD become regular contributors for sermons on Sunday mornings. Those approached were: CG, TO and Gordon Jeff. The Worship Group will discuss this, and also service planning. NB. Timing of sermons, also intercessions, an issue- they must not be too long! The PCC gave their backing.
ACTION: SP to call a meeting of those involved to draw up a rota for the sermon slot. Other issues could be discussed in the Worship Group

8 d.      Magazine

Heather Robinson query: The rural dean and archdeacon get a magazine each month, but it seems doubtful that they read it.
ACTION: we shall stop sending it, but reinstate it if asked to

8 e.      Other issues

i.            The confirmation was a lovely occasion- the PCC thanked Stanley.

ii.           The list of babies christened at St. Peter’s (the Baptismal Roll) has been missed- it was on the wall by the font. Does anyone know about it?

iii.         The Historic Churches Preservation Trust has asked for a contribution of £25 per annum. We shall give what we can.

iv.         The church roof is due to be completed in 5 week’s time!

9.      Dates

Next PCC meeting: Monday 27th Feb at 7:30 in the church.

APCM- Sunday 2nd April. 6pm. Service, followed by meeting at 6:30.

10. Closing prayer

The meeting was closed by SP with a prayer.

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