Minutes of the Parochial Church Council, St. Peter’s Draycott

Held on 06/06/2005 at 7:30 p.m. in the church.                            

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1.     Opening prayers. 1

2.     Attendance and apologies. 1

3.     Minutes of previous meeting. 1

4.     Arising, actions. 1

5.     Any other business. 2

6.     Items for Decision. 2

6 a.      Letter to electoral roll members. 2

6 b.     Memorials. 2

6 c.      Vicarage. 2

7.     Items for Discussion. 2

7 a.      Worship. 2

7 b.      Fabric. 3

7 c.      Finance. 3

7 d.     Fund Raising. 3

7 e.      School Governors. 3

7 f.      Axbridge Deanery Synod. 3

7 g.     Community in the Church. 3

7 h.     Friends of St. Peter’s. 3

8.     New business. 3

8 a.      APCM. 3

8 b.     Fund raising- Barbecue. 3

8 c.      Harvest theme. 3

9.     Dates. 3

10.      Closing prayer 3


1.      Opening prayers

Stanley opened the meeting with a prayer and Thea took the chair.

2.      Attendance and apologies


Gillian Crees

Richard Dingley

Sylvia Dingley

Chris Green

Tricia Heckbert

 Colette Jeff

Thea Oliver










Stanley Price

Victor Skinner



John Cartwright

Wendy Cartwright Lorne Talbot









3.      Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of 19/04/2005 meeting were agreed as accurate.

4.      Arising, actions

(not covered in Agenda)

6 a.      (Deanery Synod Reps- TH on electoral roll) Both done.

6 f.       (Keys to church). Audrey is now back, but we need to update our inventory of church keys. FURTHER ACTION: put on the next agenda (CG).

7 b.      (Boiler) This has been malfunctioning, but has been repaired. To move the controls we will need an electrician- but the boiler probably needs replacing anyway.
FURTHER ACTION: to be part of church refurbishment.

5.      Any other business

            (several  items were placed on the agenda).

6.      Items for Decision

6 a.      Letter to electoral roll members

RD’s letter had been circulated with the minutes. SP and CG had also produced versions. The three were compared and commented on. Each had merits; it was agreed that CG’s would form the basis of the next draft, incorporating elements of the others.

ACTION: CG to produce another draft & agree with RD & TO. Other versions to be kept on file.

6 b.      Memorials.

A letter from Mendip District Council had been received by CG and was read out (this had already been shared with RD, SD, TO & SP). Some of the memorials were dangerous and had either been laid down, or were under notice for this in the future. MDC asked us to contact the relatives where appropriate.
ACTION:  Sylvia Dingley to research the matter and take forward. A suggested outcome would be to ask Miles Whittle to write a piece for the paper publicising details of the memorials involved.

6 c.      Vicarage.

This is now for sale with Anagram. RD & TO had had a meeting with the archdeacon. It seems that our agreement is needed to allow the sale to go ahead. It was made clear that we would get no proceeds from the sale- some queried this, as we had made a contribution of £500 to the original sale. However it was stated that the diocese would look favourably on a suitable grant for a specific purpose. An obvious one would be the creation of a parish office in the church, as this would come closest to replacing some of the facility being lost with the vicarage sale.


1.      SP to give CG more background to the meeting with the archdeacon

2.      CG to look out any further documentation describing contributions made by the PCC to the vicarage.

3.      CG to write to Penny Cook in the diocesan office, making clear our understanding of the meeting with the archdeacon, copying the present minutes and any other relevant details.

7.      Items for Discussion

7 a.      Worship

The service schedule (including the non-Eucharistic services in Draycott, and joint services with Rodney Stoke) is on the notice board.

7 b.      Fabric

Nothing to report. Paul Moulton has not yet been in touch with Stanley, and Stanley doesn’t know his number!
ACTION: one of us to find out Paul Moulton’s number and contact Stanley.


7 c.      Finance

Colette is looking after the shop. We thanked her for standing in for Wendy whilst she was away.

7 d.      Fund Raising

        i.            We have not yet heard back from English Heritage.

       ii.            Victor has applied for £4000 from the Friend of Somerset Churches & Chapels, but have not yet heard of the progress of the application.

     iii.            VE celebrations. This made £1,222.75 profit, broken down as follows: £658 meal, £394 draw, £125.50 tea towel sales, £45.25 donations.

     iv.            Victor had previously projected a profit of £300 from sale of books. Since our fundraising objective for VE day was £1000, we will have no difficulty meeting the combined fundraising total of £1300. The next bookselling venue will be our stall on Wells market on the 23rd July. If there are enough left over we could go on to a stall at the moat race.

      v.            The fundraising committee is not big enough to be viable (e.g. to organise the VE event there were 4 active members). There was no response to the appeal for more people to joint the group.

·     The next major event will probably be the summer barbecue next year, proposed by John Cartwright. He will lead in organising this event.

·     Victor will renew the licence so that we can hold a draw.

7 e.      School Governors

·     Thea announced that she was resigning as a school governor, due to the anticipated pressures of her new job.

·     The whole of the Board of Governors must be reconstituted and reappointed by September. Stanley has sent 2 letters to the Wells education department asking for a full account of the current appointees, together with nominations received so far. We also need to be clear on the rules for appointing the new governing body, but have not yet heard back from Wells. At the present count we need 3 parent governors.

(Thea Oliver had to leave the meeting at this point)

7 f.       Axbridge Deanery Synod

LMGs will be kept on the agenda. The plan described at the previous PCC is the one provisionally agreed (i.e. Cheddar, Rodney Stoke & Draycott to form one group within LMG 1, ‘Mendips’; total of 2.5 FT clergy in this LMG). This will be reviewed in 2 years time. There is a meeting on the 24th September for all in the Cheddar group (Church Hall, St. Andrew’s).

7 g.      Community in the Church

CG has had to resign due to the pressure of other commitments. Stanley asked for a volunteer to replace him. The next meeting was Monday 20th.

7 h.      Friends of St. Peter’s.

Stanley had met with Linda & Miles Whittle. They liked the idea but couldn’t take it on. They made several useful points and posed some questions:

        i.            Will people be supportive?

       ii.            What alternative uses can the church be put to? (i.e. what is in it for the community?)

     iii.            What is the demand for the alternative uses we come up with?

     iv.            Another suggested person to get involved- RR.
ACTION: Stanley to approach him.

      v.            Aim for a 5 year plan of activities.

     vi.            Must not be grandiose- parishioners are fed up with being asked for money!

8.      New business

8 a.      APCM.

Actions to be tabled next time. Share the APCM notes by e-mail (NB. they are already on the website and a copy is on the notice board inside the church).

8 b.      Fund raising- Barbecue.

Defer until next time (JC needs to be present).

8 c.      Harvest theme.

Some suggested alternatives: USPG (want to start a training centre for learning farming methods in Sri Lanka). World Vision, Make Poverty History campaign. Needs to be something visible and achievable. NB. The school have requested that harvest Sunday be delayed a week until 9th October- this was agreed

ACTION: We should see what resources are out there, and report back to the next meeting for a decision.

9.      Dates

Next PCC meeting: Tuesday 19th July.

10. Closing prayer

The meeting was closed with the Grace.

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