Minutes of the Parochial Church Council, St. Peter’s Draycott

Held on 28/04/2003 at 8 p.m. at Villa Westfield, Wells Road, Draycott.


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1.  Opening prayers. 1

2.  Attendance and apologies. 1

3.  Matters to be raised under Other Business. 1

4.  Minutes of the meeting of 03/03/2003. 1

5.  Minutes of the meeting of 06/04/2003. 1

6.  Matters arising from the minutes of both meetings. 1

7.  Parish Office. 1

8.  Fabric report 2

9.  Finance report 2

10. Roof & Refurbishment Fund report 3

11. School report 3

12. Website report 3

13. Worship. 4

14. Dates of future meetings/ events. 4

15. Any other business. 4

16. Closing prayers. 4


1.  Opening prayers

Stanley Price opened the meeting with a prayer. Richard was nominated Lay Chairman, and took the chair.

2.  Attendance and apologies

Julie Brown

John Cartwright

Wendy Cartwright

Trish Corrick

Richard Dingley

Sylvia Dingley

Chris Green

Colette Jeff

Wilf Lacey

Audrey Morgan

Thea Oliver

Stanley Price

Victor Skinner

(all present- no apologies)

3.  Matters to be raised under Other Business

(several contributors indicated matters to be raised)

4.  Minutes of the meeting of 03/03/2003

5.  Minutes of the meeting of 06/04/2003

Minutes from both meetings were accepted and signed.


6.  Matters arising from the minutes of both meetings

8.11 (notice for wall safe) Not done yet- Victor will do this.


List of PCC- to go on notice board: Richard will do this. NB. we had previously decided that the PCC representatives in areas outside the church should be sent letters of appointment, to make their standing more official. These should include Maureen Richardson (Village Hall Committee), Wilf Lacey (Strawberry Fayre committee), John Cartwright (Covenant Secretary), Victor Skinner (Steward for Bishop’s Palace). Others could be issued if required.
ACTION: CG to write appointment letters.

Newmans have been appointed as editors of the Parish Newsletter (magazine). Rodney Stoke has approved the choice- so has Stanley.

7.  Parish Office

It would help Stanley’s activities in the parish if he had an office to use for the time he was in the villages, and in between times to store things (such as a filing cabinet and photocopier). The possibility of using a room in the school was raised by Thea at School Governors. There was some discussion, and concerns were raised (such as that of visitors coming to see Stanley in the school). Also the issue of costs was raised- would the school charge, and if so how much, and who would pay? No decision was reached. It seemed best to wait until Stanley was in post before pursuing the matter further. NB. the trustees of the school are the church wardens.

  1. Look up legal position for trustees (Thea will ask Penny Cook).
  2. Discuss with diocese- do they have funds to cover these expenses? (RD)

8.  Fabric report

(Richard Dingley)

8.1         Chedburn has written to West Country Tiling to ask when they are starting. Answer- in the next 2 weeks (by 23rd April).

8.2         When will payment be made? We need to get an invoice to pass on to Wyvern as soon as possible.

8.3         What about the storm damage? This needs to be inspected.

8.4         Organ: Wendy phoned the tuners. Gordon put trays of water down (it is the dry conditions that cause the problem). The last overhaul was in May 2000. We need to get some advice on further repair.
ACTION: First ask Barry to look at it. Depending on what he says, ask the organ repairer to quote (Wendy).

8.5         The tarring of the path has been completed (Mendip District Council).

8.6         Still to be done by MDC- walls, fence. Gordon will not sign off the work until all these are satisfactorily completed.

9.  Finance report

(Wendy Cartwright- see also separate financial statement)

9.1         International Nepal Fellowship- this has been sent.

9.2         Covenants- monies have been claimed from the Inland Revenue, for both income from regular and INF contributions. Refunds will be split pro rata between the different accounts. Covenants income is down from last year, with fewer contributors.

10. Roof & Refurbishment Fund report

(Victor Skinner)

10.1     What is position on VAT for churches? We are still waiting  for an interpretation of the budget.

10.2     Our main forthcoming fundraising event is the pig roast /barn dance. The committee will be meeting on the 29th.

10.3     The licence for the sale of alcohol, and the draw, has been applied for.

10.4     For the raffle, Lane’s of Cheddar was approached by JC. They may sell us a portable TV at cost price. This was approved by the meeting.

10.5     Chicks the butcher have agreed to provide a double rib of beef for a prize. We have also been promised a gliding lesson by the gliding club, and this should be supplemented by some bottles (whisky, sherry etc.).

10.6     Ticket selling- this is vital, and should be done on a ‘door to door’ basis.

10.7     The Hall Committee have been asked to give us the hall rent-free, and they have agreed. A small payment (say £10 or £20) as a contribution for services would be appreciated. In the future we should go through Maureen, as she is our representative.

10.8     An additional fundraising possibility would be a whist drive- this is worth looking into.

10.9     The committee is  also pursuing the ‘begging letter’ approach to fundraising. Eric Booth says that the ‘Victorian Society’ has a list of good donors. This will be pursued.

11. School report

(Thea Oliver)


11.1     We are shortlisting for the new senior teacher post.

11.2     The Mothering Sunday service was very successful- the meeting thanked Thea for organising it so well.

11.3     The school is happy for us to use the hall(s) for any functions.

12. Website report

(Chris Green)

12.1     What should we be using the site for? One of the reasons it was set up in the first place was to help advertise our vacancy. Now this is filled, we need to think of ways to use it, or discontinue it (as it is a significant amount of work). Ideas, please.

12.2     How many visitors do we get? We need to install a ‘hit counter’.
ACTION: CG will look into it.

12.3     We still have no link from the diocesan website, in spite of requests: no opportunity should be missed to mention the fact!

13. Worship

13.1.   We are very grateful to have Stanley in post- welcome!

13.2.   It would be good if Stanley could let us know which eucharistic prayers he wants to use- could we have a rota?

13.3.   We need to decide on a date for harvest festival soon. Generally this is the 1st Sunday in October, but depends on when RS do theirs.

13.4.   The Prayer & Fellowship meeting has run its course, and needs a replacement. We need a new idea. One suggestion was to base this on a report on ‘rural mission’. Another (from Stanley) is a forum for discussions of the sermon.

13.5.   Stanley will be in the parish for 1 evening a week- for meetings, study groups etc.

13.6.   The new rural dean will be appointed on 20th May in Cheddar, during the archdeacon’s visitation.

14. Dates of future meetings/ events

PCC meetings: 9th June (8 p.m., in church); 22nd July (8 p.m., in church); 11th September.

15. Any other business         

15.1     Christian Aid week- reminder: starts May 10th. More collectors still needed.

15.2     Sisters of the Church: We need something to renew our commitment to them, if we are to continue to support their work with contributions of food. They would be willing to send someone to talk about their work one Sunday.

15.3     Do we need to renew our performing rights license? Stanley & Richard will discuss further, to see if Stanley is likely to make use of it.

15.4     There are insufficient safe keys. The situation has arisen when there is no-one available to open the safe. Richard Dingley would like formal approval of the PCC to get two extra keys, one for each church warden. The motion was proposed by Chris Green, and seconded by Colette Jeff. All approved the motion, which was duly passed.

15.5     Both church notice boards require repair/maintenance. Quotations are being organised by Richard.

15.6     Stanley’s details need to be added to our main board- Richard is looking into this.

16. Closing prayers

The meeting was closed with a prayer, and the Grace.

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