Minutes of the Parochial Church Council, St. Peter’s Draycott

Held on 06/04/2003 in the Church (directly after the APCM).


1.  Opening prayers

The meeting was opened with a prayer. Richard Dingley took the chair.

2.  Appointment of officers

The following membership of the PCC was agreed at the APCM




Julie Brown

John Cartwright

Wendy Cartwright

Trish Corrick

Richard Dingley

Sylvia Dingley

Chris Green

Colette Jeff

Wilf Lacey

Audrey Morgan

Thea Oliver

Stanley Price

Victor Skinner

Deanery Synod rep.





Deanery Synod rep.








(all were present apart from Wendy Cartwright, who had sent her apologies to the APCM).


Wendy Cartwright was appointed as treasurer, and Chris Green as secretary, by general consent (Wendy had agreed to this in advance). Other officers will be appointed at the next PCC meeting.

3. Dates for next meeting

The previous meeting (3rd March 03) had provisionally agreed a date of 28th April. This was confirmed, despite the fact that it is Sylvia’s 70th birthday.

Julie Brown offered to have the meeting at her house. This was gratefully accepted.

4. Any other business

The change of magazine editorship was briefly discussed. The only names to have been put forward until now were Jenny and Alan Newman, who live in Rodney Stoke. Julie has discussed this with them, and feels that they are suitable people.

The meeting agreed to recommend that they be appointed as the new editors, provided that Rodney Stoke are in agreement. The matter should be formally put to Stanley Price at the next PCC meeting.

5. Closing prayers

The meeting was closed with the Grace.


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