Minutes – APCM for 2004

Held on 24th April 2005 at 6:30 p.m. in the church.

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1.     Opening prayer 1

2.     Apologies for absence. 1

3.     Vestry Meeting for the Election of Church Wardens. 2

4.     Confirmation of Minutes from APCM on 25th April 2004. 2

5.     Matters arising. 2

6.     Electoral Roll 2

7.     Report on PCC proceedings. 2

8.     Financial Report 2

9.     Audited accounts for the PCC for 2004. 3

10.       Report on Fabric, Goods and Ornaments of the Church. 3

11.       Report of Refurbishment Fundraising Committee. 3

12.       Report on Synod (Diocesan & Deanery) 3

13.       Other reports. 3

a)     Worship Group. 3

b)     Covenant Secretary. 4

c)     School 4

d)     Magazine. 4

e)     Charitable Giving. 4

f)      Bible study group. 4

14.       Incumbent’s summary. 4

15.       Election of PCC Members for 2005/2006. 5

16.       Any other business. 5

17.       Closing prayer 5

Stanley Price closed the meeting with a prayer. 5

Appendix: Reports. 6

A. Electoral Roll 6

B. PCC Proceedings. 6

C. Financial Report 6

D. Audited accounts. 7

E. Fabric, goods & ornaments. 9

F. Roof Repair and Refurbishment Fundraising. 10

G. Report on Diocesan and Axbridge Deanery Synods. 10

H. Worship Group. 11

I. Covenant Secretary’s report 11

J. School report 11

K. Magazine. 13

L. Charities. 13

M. Study Group. 13

N. Incumbent’s report 14


1.         Opening prayer

Thea Oliver opened the meeting with a prayer, and took the chair.

2.         Apologies for absence

Apologies had been received from Audrey Morgan, Tricia Corrick and Linda Whittle. There were approximately 25 people present.

3.         Vestry Meeting for the Election of Church Wardens

Two nominations had been received for the two church warden posts, namely the previous incumbents Richard Dingley and Thea Oliver. They were therefore declared duly elected. Appreciation was expressed that they were prepared to shoulder the responsibility for another year.

4.         Confirmation of Minutes from APCM on 25th April 2004   

Copies of the draft minutes from the previous meeting (25th April 2004) had previously been circulated. They had also been available throughout the previous year on the church notice board, and on the church website.

No amendments were received, and the meeting agreed to accept them as an accurate account.

5.         Matters arising       

There were no matters arising.

6.         Electoral Roll

Richard Dingley- see also report A in appendix.

·        Graham and Julie Brown have not yet resigned from the electoral roll. They may choose to stay on it. This may increase the figures.

·        Should we have names of those on the electoral roll on the website? We should check to see if the form includes this consent- if not, we should suggest this to the diocese.

ACTION: first PCC to look into this.

7.         Report on PCC proceedings       

Chris Green- see also report B in appendix.

We have made some progress in working together with our sister-parish of Rodney Stoke (e.g. through a joint worship group). This is both desirable and necessary, but there is room for improvement. With the much larger units of LMGs being considered, coming in in 2012, continued division between the parishes seems increasingly anachronistic. We have just agreed to an increased rate of joint services (at least one every 3 months), and we shall reassess the situation after this. (Through a combination of circumstances we are actually holding 3 joint services in the month of May alone this year!)

ACTION: as a further gesture of togetherness, perhaps we could invite Rodney Stoke to share with us in celebrating our own patronal festival at Peterstide.

The comment was also made that we missed the joint service with other Cheddar valley churches that we have often had at the end of the ecumenical Lent groups. This had been partly because Holy Week is very busy, and we were already doing things on Thursday (Passover) and Friday (Good Friday Meditation).

If we had another ecumenical Lent course next year, we might think of combining two events and having a joint Passover service.

ACTION: Richard to take this up with the Fraternal Meeting.

8.         Financial Report    

Wendy Cartwright- see also report C in appendix.

Last year we only paid £3,500 of our Parish Share. Whilst this was regrettable, it was pointed out that we are not an expensive parish for the diocese- Stanley’s salary is effectively paid for by the rent of the vicarage. Whilst this is owned by the diocese, the PCC at the time had made a contribution.

ACTION: we should look into how much contribution had actually been made towards the previous vicarage by the then PCC.

9.         Audited accounts for the PCC for 2004           

Wendy Cartwright- see report D in appendix.

Motion to accept the audited accounts proposed by Sylvia Dingley, and seconded by Colette Jeff. The motion was passed nem. con.

Wendy was thanked by the meeting for her dedication and professionalism.

10.       Report on Fabric, Goods and Ornaments of the Church    

Richard Dingley- see report E in appendix.

(Nothing added)

11.       Report of Refurbishment Fundraising Committee   

Victor Skinner- see report F in appendix.

This was a long and detailed report from what had been a very active year. The main points brought out by Victor were as follows:

We are in the second stage of a 2 stage development plan. The first (preparatory) phase is complete, and has cost less than the £12,044 originally budgeted.

The second stage (implementation) has been costed and is significantly less than the original sum estimated. However English Heritage are expecting 25% to be met by ourselves. Since we have already spend tome £50,000 (which includes almost all our reserves) this would beggar us. We have asked English Heritage to take this into account, and are awaiting their response.

Whatever English Heritage decides, we must still put our best efforts into fundraising- this year the ‘flagship’ event is the VE day celebration, but we continue to sell books.

Victor thanked the committee- NB. more members still needed! In turn, Victor and Rita were both thanked by the meeting for their unflagging hard work. We hope they have the energy to continue into this year.

12.       Report on Synod (Diocesan & Deanery)         

Sylvia Dingley- see report G in appendix.

Sylvia had attended three out of the four diocesan synods, and had found them very interesting.

The Deanery synods were also very rewarding. Sylvia would like to emphasise that these are open to all.

13.       Other reports          

a)         Worship Group        

Chris Green- see report H in appendix.

The main changes recommended in our pattern of worship (and accepted by the PCC) were further discussed. Since they are designed to attract a wider number of people, a critical factor in their success would be publicity. We should make maximum use oflocal advertising (magazine, post office etc.) as well as through local contacts. We should also report on the events afterwards.

b)         Covenant Secretary

John Cartwright- see also report I in appendix.

We have been decided to apply some gentle pressure on electoral roll members to contribute more to our funds. We intend to send a letter to all on the roll. A draft letter should be available by our next meeting (6th June).

John was thanked for his tireless work in keeping up the income from covenants in the face of a number of contributors either moving away or dying.

c)         School

Thea Oliver- see also report J in appendix.

We had been hosting the children and toddler group in St. Peter’s, but unfortunately one little one had suffered a fall. The group had decided that it was too unsafe, and had gone back to the hall. Perhaps we should take measures to make the church safe for toddlers.

Lorne Talbot is our latest governor. We need 2 more. Please supply any names to Stanley.

Stanley commented that he had resigned, as he was not able to contribute fully to governor activities. He had recommended Nikki Devitt, to what was a very time-consuming job. NB. all governors need to re-register by September this year.

Who is link governor in class 2? Thea will find this out.

d)         Magazine

Alan Newman- see also report K in appendix.

We all appreciated the efforts going into the Church Newsletter. We liked the extra funny bits, and the new-style front cover was good (the only drawback was that it didn’t make it entirely clear that it was a church magazine). The extra cost reflects the fact that it has more material in these days. Advertisers have paid until the end of the year, which has helped with cash flow.

ACTION: Chris to write a letter of thanks to the Newmans.

It was suggested that the new arrangements for gifts at funerals should be explained in the magazine (i.e. to make clear that unmarked gifts are to go to church funds, and that those intended for other causes should go to the funeral director, or be otherwise marked). After discussion it was decided that it was sufficient to mark this clearly on the basket for gifts, and in the funeral service booklet.

e)         Charitable Giving

Wendy Cartwright- see report L in appendix.

f)          Bible study group

Thea Oliver- see report M in appendix.

Chris Green was thanked for the efforts he puts in to preparing for these evenings.

14.       Incumbent’s summary

Stanley Price- see report N in appendix.

A vote of thanks was proposed to Stanley, enthusiastically endorsed by the whole meeting.

15.       Election of PCC Members for 2005/2006        

a. Deanery Synod

This year we required new elections to the deanery synod. Two names had been proposed:

Sylvia Dingley

Wendy Cartwright.

They were duly declared elected (proposer: Chris Green; seconder Victor Skinner).

b. PCC members: carried over

The following had been carried over as members of the previous PCC, not needing to be re-elected. (They had all indicated their willingness to stand again).

John Cartwright

Chris Green

Victor Skinner

Lorne Talbot

c. PCC members: for election

The following were proposed for election or re-election:

Colette Jeff

Tricia Heckbert

Gillian Crease

It was  proposed to agree the above as members of the PCC (proposer: Thea Oliver; seconder Victor Skinner).

d. ex-officio members of the PCC

The following are members of the new PCC ex officio:

Thea Oliver (church warden)

Richard Dingley (church warden)

Sylvia Dingley (Deanery representative)

Wendy Cartwright (Deanery representative)

An especial thank-you was extended to the departing members of the PCC for all the efforts they had put in over the years:

Julie Brown

Wilf Lacey

Audrey Morgan

16.       Any other business          

John Cartwright suggested a barbecue as a fund-raising event for 2006. All agreed. This would take place in June, before Children’s holidays.

17.       Closing prayer        

Stanley Price closed the meeting with a prayer.

Appendix: Reports

A. Electoral Roll

Richard Dingley, electoral roll officer

During the past year four people have moved away from the parish and have been removed from the Electoral Roll.  They are:  Graham and Julie Brown, Mary James and Daphne Parfitt.

However Trisha Heckbert has joined the roll. The net change in the roll is therefore a drop from 48 to 46.

Of these, three are not ordinarily resident: Morgan Oliver & Tia Tinsong at University and Lois Dingley working in Nepal with INF.  Taking these into consideration the resident number is 43.

B. PCC Proceedings

Chris Green, PCC Secretary

This year our PCC membership was 13, and there have been ten regular PCC meetings. Some of these were held at Julie and Graham Brown’s house, but we sadly had to say goodbye to them early this year, an event that we marked with sparkling wine at the end of Julie’s last PCC meeting.

As well as Julie Brown, we are saying goodbye to two other PCC members at this APCM- Wilf Lacey, and Audrey Morgan. All three have contributed greatly to our discussions and activities in their different ways, and will be much missed (although Wilf and Audrey are not going away, at least). We hope to be welcoming at least one new face to our number next year.

During the last year the PCC has again been encouraged into a number of new initiatives under Stanley’s leadership. As well as running the Refurbishment and Fundraising Group and the Worship group (reported elsewhere), we created a new sub-group to look into ways of promoting links between the wider community and the church. This has yet to formally report its recommendations to the PCC, but will do so shortly. The last two groups are held jointly with Rodney Stoke.

PCC minutes have continued to appear on the Website, and this report will shortly be uploaded there as well: www.rodneystokewithdraycott.org.uk.

C. Financial Report

Wendy Cartwright, Treasurer

We started the year with a bank balance of £138.11 credit having allowed for any outstanding cheques, issued but not yet presented.  We have ended the year with a balance of £1761.15 credit, having allowed for all outstanding items, but out of this we will have to pay the remainder of the cost of the Hearing Loop, around £1000.

For the fifth year running we have not been able to pay the whole of our Parish Share, having paid just £3500 of a share of £9583. The Diocesan Office has been advised of our financial situation which is still affected by our efforts to keep a sound roof over our heads.  In 2005 our share has reduced to £9454, a very small reduction but nevertheless it is there.

The balance in the Central Board of Finance Investment Fund as at 31st December 2004 was £9879.16, as I have put back the monies we used for the roof once the various VAT and tax refunds were received.  The interest we received over the year was £346.51, a slight increase on 2003.

This year our Covenant Secretary’s efforts resulted in an increase in the return of income tax of some £800, i.e. £2182.51. He will be giving you an overview of the Gift Aid/planned giving situation himself.

The Flower Fund is still in existence and has been used for the Mothering Sunday flowers.  There is now a balance of £21.70 in the account at the end of 2004.

The Roof & Refurbishment bank balance at 31st December 2004 was £756.60 and the Central Board of Finance account designated “Roof Fund” was £15.50.  We received the first part of the grant from English Heritage and this enabled us to continue the repairs.  We have paid out £2113.24 from the General fund and £8065.92 from the Roof and Refurbishment accounts, most of this being architects and surveyors fees for Stage 3 of the roof repairs and some for the Hearing Loop.  However, the bulk of the Hearing Loop costs have been paid during 2005. The fund raising is on-going but I will let Victor tell you about all that.

As I suggested last year, I feel we are seeing the benefit of having Stanley with us, and things are improving.  However, with Stage 3 of the Roof & Refurbishment now under way we have a lot of work to do.

A copy of the Audited Accounts will be posted on the Notice Board at the back of the church.


D. Audited accounts

Wendy Cartright- Treasurer

i. Assets and liabilities as at year ended 31st December 2004
















Monetary Assets




















CBF Investment account










Bank Current Account










Total Cash Assets




















Other Assets










3.5% War Stock Capital £34.25










Value at 31/12/03










Magazine Advert fees owed








































G Cooke re Hearing Loop








































Nett Assets











ii. General Fund receipts for year ended 31st December 2004
















Incoming Resources from Donors







Planned giving/Gift Aid







Collections and other giving







Income Tax recovered







VAT Recovered







Other Voluntary Incoming Resources







Emergency transfer from Roof Fund (WC Tiling)







Donations (Legacies) [201b]







Donations (105 + 202)







Fund Raising














Income from Investments







Bank Interest (2004 Inl Rev int refund)







CBF Investment Account Interest







3.5% War Stock Dividends














Income from Charitable & Ancillary Trading







Sale of magazine (403)







Fees (404)







Sale of church books, cards etc (401)







Church Lettings (402)







Insurance Claims & Other Income







(602) Sale of Assets














Restricted Receipts







(100) Roof Fund







(101) Fabric Repairs from CBF A/c







(201) Disaster Appeals & specific Charity Collections







(202) Youth Work/INF







Total Receipts









iii. General Fund payments for year ended 31st December 2004























  (1001) Church Overseas







  (1002) Relief & Development Agencies Overseas







  (1003) Home Missions & other church societies







  (1004) Secular charities














Activities Directly Relating to the Work of the Church







Parish Share







Clergy Expenses (2002/2004)







Upkeep of Church (2005/2006)







Upkeep of Services (2007)







Magazine Costs (2009)







Other PCC property upkeep (2011)







Buidings Maintenance (2012/2015)







Support Costs (Youth Work, Training etc) [2017]







Salaries,wages & honoraria (organist) [2016]







Deanery Fees














Fund Raising & Church Administration







Fund raising costs (3000)







Church Administration (4000)














Restricted Funds







Roof Repairs







Specific Charitable Collections (see also Grants)







Transfer to CBF A/c re Fabric







To INF (202R)






















E. Fabric, goods & ornaments

Richard Dingley, Churchwarden

The on-going roof repairs have been the main focus of interest during the past year.  The current phase of assessment of the work needed to finish the exterior work on the roof and the examination of the chancel ceiling have been completed.  This has shown that the gilt stars are actually transfers and not painted. George Chedburn has prepared the necessary reports for English Heritage and should have provided the Council with an access audit prior to the Annual Meeting.

The main positive development during the year has been the installation of a sound enhancement and hearing loop system in St. Peter’s.  This has proved a great success apart from a few blips when we have got things wrong!  Apart from the fixed microphone, usually at the lectern, we have 2 lapel and 1 hand-held radio microphones, which gives us flexibility of use.

The organ had been the cause of some difficulty and has recently been tuned.  The electric ‘stand-by’ instrument has now been used and found adequate for accompanying the hymns.


F. Roof Repair and Refurbishment Fundraising.

Vic Skinner

The development stage of the English Heritage Lottery Grant application was completed and submitted on time, March 28th 2005.  I did not receive the Architect’s report until 24th March, so a very busy Easter weekend included an emergency PCC meeting and the preparation of the Application to confirm the Stage 2 Repair Grant Offer, with cash flow forecasts etc.

The cost of the Stage 1 Development was £11,500 (including an estimated £700 for scaffolding), against an estimated £12,044. We have applied for the balance of the £8592 Stage 1 Grant, of which we have already received £4500.

The cost of the Stage 2 (repair stage) is less than English Heritage’s original estimate.  It is £67,500, including Architects fees and expenses, not including VAT.  This figure includes the redecoration of the Chancel ceiling and a £2500 contingency against any further delays due to the activity of resident bats.  The PCC agreed that we should retain £7000 to meet essential Church expenses, so our contribution towards the Stage 2 costs is less than originally required by English Heritage.  We have asked English Heritage to take into account the £50,000, which we have already spent on urgent roof repairs. If English Heritage accept our submission, the repairs to the roof and external fabric will be completed in the Autumn of 2005.  We are awaiting their response.

You will see from the Roof Fund Final Statement for the Year to December 31st 2004, that fund-raising contributed over £2800 to our resources.  The main events were the concert by the Cheddar Male Choir and Midsummer Draw, on June 19th and the Concert by Barry Rose and Friends in December.  Rita Skinner sold her second-hand books at the Strawberry Fair, the Middle School in Cheddar, Wells Market and the Moat Race at the Bishop’s Palace in Wells.  On behalf of the PCC I should like to thank Rita for her very hard work, in raising nearly £1000 from her books to date.

I should also like to thank all those who added to the fund-raising total by various activities throughout the year, and also to the fund raising committee.

Our next fund-raising event is the celebration of the 60th Anniversary of VE Day in the Memorial Hall on May 7th.   There will be a 40’s style Saturday Night hop with appropriate home-cooked food and a live band.  The Celebration Draw will take place in the interval.  Our committee is very small and we desperately need your support in selling tickets and helping to make this venture a success. We still require goodies for our hamper prize in the draw and homemade puddings for the May 7th meal.  Please sign the lists at the back of the Church.

Our next book sale will be at the Wells Market on Saturday, 23rd July and we shall be seeking your help, again, for this full day.   If we have adequate stocks remaining we shall attend the Moat Race at the Bishops Palace.  Needless to say, Rita would welcome more used books.  Paperback fiction and specialist non-fiction are the most easy to sell.  This will be Rita’s last year of this activity.  If anyone would like to take this over, we should be pleased to hear from you. Otherwise we shall dispose of all remaining books.  We should like to thank all who supported this venture by assisting with selling and transporting the stalls and the donation of thousands of books.

G. Report on Diocesan and Axbridge Deanery Synods

Sylvia Dingley- Deanery Synod Representative, Diocesan Synod Member

Since the last Annual Parish Church Meeting both synods have had an important and continuous theme introduced by our Bishop, Peter Price, at the Diocesan Synod meeting in June 2004 – ‘Changing Lives: Changing Churches for Changing Communities’.   We have already been encouraged to ‘Change our Lives’, now the continuation of this has led to the second challenge of the new century – ‘Changing Churches’ as indeed they must with the continual decrease in the flow of new ordinands to replace retiring clergy.  Thoughts of changes have made one significant change in the Deanery Synods where people seem to feel freer to express their opinions than the more formal gathering at Diocesan level; this has given us more lively meetings with an increased attendance of members of the congregations and Readers at the Deanery Synod Meetings.  It is going to be a long haul to cover all the points than Bishop Peter put forward in June 2004.  

The subject of Local Ministry Groups is in full swing with many constructive ideas both for and against the proposals being discussed in a lively way.  The Deanery Synod meeting on 9th November will long remain a highlight for all those present for the presentation by our Readers of the scope of Reader Ministry.  Ten Readers presented their call and training for this role and the many and varied opportunities they have in serving the church.  The presentation was backed up pictorially on power point.  They held us enthralled and gave us much to think about.  Every church member should have been there!  Other talks have also been very interesting; do come and join the Deanery Synod Sessions, you will not be disappointed.

H. Worship Group

Chris Green

We followed the village survey last year with one of the congregations of St. Leonard’s and St. Peter’s; like the first, this was conducted by questionnaire. There were 45 responses, 25 from Draycott- the majority of the regular worshippers.

Draycott respondents were evenly divided on whether we should keep the present pattern of communion services, or sometimes to have a non-communion service..

The current pattern of the communion service was generally favoured over alternative suggestions (e.g. time of service, numbers of readings, prayer of humble access). No one alternative Eucharistic prayer was singled out among the alternatives. Exchange of the peace was overwhelmingly endorsed in Draycott (34 out of 45), although we disagreed on when we should do it; the most votes (16) were for just after the intercessions. We also liked being led by members of the congregation in intercessions (36 out of 45, none voting for ‘celebrant only’).

The group made two main recommendations to the PCC, on the basis of these findings. Firstly, we should have a non-communion service on the first Sunday of each month; secondly, that we should create services with new patterns and themes. The PCC agreed a 6-month programme of such services beginning in July, each services being organised by a member of the Worship committee.

The function of the group is changing from one of reviewing worship, to one of directing it. This is experimental, and we encourage the congregation to tell us honestly what they think!

I. Covenant Secretary’s report

John Cartwright- Covenant Secretary

The number of Declarations held at the present time is 37.  During the last year we have had several closed owing either to people leaving the area, death or, as in one or two cases, a drop in income which has meant an inability to continue payments to the church.

However, I am pleased to report that even with the above developments we have managed to keep our heads above water, as the saying goes, and the amount I am claiming back from the Inland Revenue on behalf of the PCC this year is £1904.69 compared with £2076.18 in 2004, a drop of only £171.49.  At one time I had feared that it would have been a lot worse.

J. School report

Thea Oliver- School Governor

i. Religious Education and Worship at Draycott and Rodney Stoke CE First School

As a Church of England school, these aspects of our school curriculum are very important giving a framework for the ethos of our school.

Religious Education (RE) is taught using the agreed Diocesan/LEA handbook, 'Awareness, Mystery and Values'. The main emphasis is on Christianity, however, children are also taught about other faiths and the need for respecting the beliefs and customs of other people in addition to valuing their own.

Every day the children take part in an 'Act of Collective Worship', the pattern and purpose reflecting the Christian foundation and character of the school. On Friday we have a special Sharing Assembly in the afternoon where we celebrate the children’s achievements in and out of school during the week.

Every two weeks, on Wednesday morning at 9.15 we hold a children's service in the church, which is often led by the vicar Rev Stanley Price. Parents and friends are very welcome to join in with us at this service.

The pupils also take part in Sunday services in the church at festival times such as Harvest and Mothering Sunday. Unfortunately over recent years the numbers of children attending Sunday morning festival services has dropped so this year we have tried an innovative way of involving the Children and their families in worship. We have instigated Friday afternoon services in which the staff and children are involved and their families are invited. We have celebrated Harvest, Christingle and Mothering Sunday in this way with great success.

The responsibilities of the governing body have grown at a tremendous pace in recent years.

Our school is very fortunate in having such a dedicated and caring governing body who give many hours of their valuable time, voluntarily, to work with the teaching staff in developing the school.

We attend training sessions regularly to update our knowledge and help us to make the right decisions for the school. We use our skills in practical ways, helping in the classroom, raising funds and maintaining the buildings.

As governors we try to support the head teacher and her staff to maintain high standards along with a happy atmosphere at the school.


Mrs Jane Hampton

 Chair and class 1 link governor

Mrs Tilly Wdowski

 Special needs governor

Mr Christian Hilton

 Teacher governor

Mr Graham Kinsman

 Health and safety governor

Mrs Honor Neave

 Literacy governor

Ms Alison Rattle

 Parent Governor

Mrs Thea Oliver

 Foundation Governor

Mr Steve Percival

 Deputy Chair & Class 3 link governor

Mrs Sally Douglas

 Parent governor

Dr Nikki Devitt

 Ex Officio

Mr Jeff Astle

 Foundation Governor

Mrs Viv White



Mrs Lorne Talbot has recently been appointed as foundation governor and we are actively recruiting parent governors to complete the required number.

ii. Children in Church

During this last year we have welcomed the parent & toddler group into the Church. They have been meeting on a Wednesday morning. However they have decided to return to the Memorial Hall and although we are sorry to see them leave we wish them well. They have been assured that they are very welcome to return at any time. One positive outcome from the ‘Toddlers’ being in the Church is that our vicar, Stanley, has forged excellent links with these young families and a number have come to ask that their children be baptised and some of the parents have asked to be confirmed. We continue to welcome everyone to our Church.

Please contact any of the Church officers if you would like to use our building, or you want to know more about us at St Peter’s Draycott.

K. Magazine

Alan Newman- Editor

Since taking over the Editorship from Julie Brown two years ago we have produced 20 Newsletters. As we have not heard any adverse comments we assume that there is general satisfaction with the product. Comments, favourable adverse or constructive would be welcome.

Most months there are 20 pages with both regular features and one off items. Advertising has increased with two new advertisers being added in the past year.

We would like to thank all those who contribute items for the Newsletter or give us news that we can write up. We would ask though that the closing deadline be carefully noted and strictly adhered to as there have been two or three times where we have not been able to complete the editing until late on the Sunday evening before taking to Kings of Wessex for printing on Monday morning.

L. Charities

Wendy Cartwright- Treasurer

We continue to support the International Nepal fellowship through sponsorship of Lois Dingley and we also organise a house-to-house collection for Christian Aid week. We support the Children’s Society, through household collection boxes, gathered up at the Christingle service that we hold each year. During 2004 we also sent  donations to the Children's Hospice South West, the Church Army and World Vision as part of our mission to support Christian and other charitable work.

M. Study Group

Thea Oliver

The study group was re-started by Stanley as ‘sermon watching’, and met to discuss the Sunday lectionary readings and to compare notes on sermons. We then decided to study the bible more systematically, and read the Gospel of Mark during the time up to Lend.

During Lent we joined in the Lent Study Groups arranged for the Cheddar Churches. After Easter, we have restarted, this time reading the Gospel of Matthew.

Currently Chris Green is leading the discussions, with others from the group adding suggestions from their commentaries and experiences. We also find it useful to compare the different translations from the bibles that we bring along.

As we talk, we are finding it rewarding to compare the differences in approach and even content between the Gospels, and we are reminded of the possible reasons for these variations. After all, all four Gospels tell the same great story which we are privileged to learn more about.

We are a relaxed and informal group, without pressure on any individual to speak unless they wish to. We meet at Long Hey, School Lane, Draycott on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm. We begin with coffee and a short time of prayer. The discussion ends with the Grace at 9.00 pm.

There is space and a welcome for more people, so please speak to Chris or Thea, or just join us at Long Hey one Thursday evening.

N. Incumbent’s report

Stanley Price- Priest-in-Charge

Firstly, I thank God for the thriving fellowship in St Peter’s. Goodwill abounds and good relationships with the wider community continue to flourish. I have found the past year enjoyable in spite of the hard work and I thank you all for your encouragement and friendship. In Church life those with a part to play do it willingly and well. I am not going to name individuals because all who work in their various roles for St Peter’s church are faithful and dedicated people. Let me say a heartfelt ‘thank you’ on behalf of the wider community. Whether you are upfront in the church services or working quietly behind the scenes, all that you do is important and appreciated.

We enjoyed some different services in the past year: a highlight was the visit of Bishop Benezeri and Canon Lovey from Uganda who led a Hoy Communion service in August, and joined us at lunch at Don and Mary Banks’ house on a superb Summer day. The usual Easter, Harvest Festival, Remembrance Sunday, Carol and Midnight Communion Services were enjoyed and well supported. The experiment with School Harvest on a Friday afternoon and a similar ‘Mothering Friday’ service attracted the larger number of parents we had hoped for as did the Christingle Service also on a Friday afternoon.

The questionnaires circulated in late 2003/early 2004 to the village and congregation have provided much food for thought in the areas of the relevance of the church to the village and the way in which we worship. We have been encouraged to have affirmation that 75% of those responding from the village think the church is essential. A group is looking at a means of encouraging this interest in the church through a series of display boards which depict various aspects of the life of the village, to be mounted in the church. On the question of worship we will be introducing a non-Eucharistic service once per month the proposal for which attracted a significant number of favourable responses in the second questionnaire.

The Mum’s and Toddlers group which started to meet in church provided a spate of Baptisms and several parents have asked for Confirmation. As a result of an accident to one of the children in church the Mums and Toddlers have decided to return to the Memorial Hall and we miss them already. We also miss Julie and Graham Brown following their retirement to Wells. They have been pillars of St Peter’s for many years. All is not loss however, as we have been glad to welcome new people into the congregation.

Welcome news from English Heritage of substantial help with the cost of re-roofing the church has given us a glimmer of light at the end of a long dark financial tunnel. Perhaps we will be able to redecorate and reorder the inside or the church eventually? However, the housekeeping account is in trouble and a recent budget indicates a deficit of £44 per week if the Parish Share is to be met in full. Proposals to address this are under discussion by the PCC. A proposal is also being considered to separate the raising of funds for the fabric of the building from the annually recurring housekeeping costs. Consideration is being given to forming a ‘Friends of St Peter’s Church’ group with charitable status which will concentrate on raising funds for the fabric of the building. We hope to involve interested people from the village who have expressed the desire (via the Questionnaire) for the church to be kept open, to take on this task.

Taken all together, the past year was happy, fruitful and worshipful for the people of the church of St Peter in Draycott and there are hopeful signs of a brighter future.

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